Chapter 2

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The woman walks in and sits behind the desk I am in front of

"So Carter, I hear you are putting yourself up for adaption" the woman says

"I am" you say

"And why would that be, you know Carter this is serious you cant put yourself up for adaption because you don't want to clean your room" she says tapping her pencil on the desk

"I am 15 not 5" you say

"Very well, but you will need a parent" she says

"Well it looks like your out of luck" you say

"What do you mean by that" she asks

"By parents died in a car crash when I was 13" you say, you are surprising yourself that you haven't broken down at the mention of your parents but you cant who you will go back to your aunts house

"Oh, I-" she begins

"I don't need anymore sympathy" you say cutting her off

"Well then who is your guardian" she asks

"My aunt but she doesn't know I am here and I will tell her after this session" you say

"Fine I am not allowed to do this but for what you have been though I will allow it this once" you say

"Thank you" you say

"Your welcome" she says, you hope this interview goes by quick she is really annoyed

"Age" she asks

"15" you say

"Full name" she asks

"Carter Eliza Nicole" you say

"Birthday" she asks

"July 13th" you say

"I will contact you later if and when I need more information, but you have to tell your aunt" she says gathering her papers

"I will, and don't you need my number" you ask

"I was about to ask" she says

"Sorry I will write it down for you" you say grabbing a paper and pen

"Thank you' she says standing up

'When and if I get a chance to be adopted can I spend like 3 days with the parents who want me before I move in with them" you ask

"Of course" she says walking out the door

I get up and walk out of the office and straight out of the building outside. 

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