Chapter 33

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"I hate truth or dare" I groan

"Suck it up" Calum says

"I'll go first" Louis says

"Wait before you do, nobody is allowed to be naked" Sam says

"I agree, because last time, I ended up naked" Michael says

"Ummm, Ashton truth or dare" Louis says

"Dare" He says

"I dare you to lick Sam's face" He says

"Ewww" I say scrunching my nose

"You don't like people licking you" Niall asks

"No, do you" I ask

"Maybe" He chuckles

"Your gross" I say

"Don't I have to agree to this" Sam asks

"Nope you sit there and enjoy it" Louis says

"No fair" Sam says

"You'll enjoy it" I say

"I don't like being licked" She groans

"Shut up and lets just get it over with" Ashton says and leans over to Sam, Ashton sticks his tongue out and licks Sam cheek.

"That is so disgusting" She says wiping her cheek on her shoulder

"You know you liked it" Zayn says

"Not at all" She says

"My turn ummm Calum truth or dare" Ashton asks

"Ummmm truth" He says

"Wimp" Sam says

"I don't like Aston's dares" He defends

"If you had to date someone in this room, who would it be, and it has to be a guy" He asks

"Probably Luke he is a cutie" Calum says pinching Luke's cheek

"I would pick you to Cal" Luke says

"Ok, umm Harry truth or dare" Cal asks

"Dare" He says

"I dare you to switch pants with Liam" He says

"But Harry's pant are too tight" Liam says

"Sucks" Cal says

"Fine we'll be back" Harry says and walks out of the room

"So Carter, I noticed the accent, what part of America are you from" Ashton asks

"The great state of Maryland" I say

"The capital is there" Michael says

"Good job mikey" Cal says

"How come you moved here" Luke asks

"Did you not tell them anything" I ask Niall

"Not really" He says

"Well I am Liam's step-sister, and I moved here because my parents died when I was 13 so I had enough of my family and friends always bringing up my parents so I put myself up for adoption and here I am" I say

"Happy" Liam asks walking into the room, Harry behind him

"Very" Cal says laughing with the rest of us

"Please never wear Harry's pants again" Louis says

"It's Calum's fault" Sam says

"Ok, enough about our pants, Sam truth or dare" Harry asks

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