Chapter 14

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"Hey guys" I say

"It feels like I haven't seen you in forever" Louis says giving me a hug

"It wasn't even three days" I say and give Zayn and Harry a hug

"Where's Liam" Zayn asks

"Oh he might still be on the floor" I say

"Why would he be on the floor, and why are you sweaty" Harry asks

"We raced to the door and I tripped him, and because we practiced" I say

"Oh scared you are going to lose" Louis asks

"No, I already have support from Niall he is on our side" I say and stick my tongue out

"No far you have a cheerleader" Zayn whines

"Harry can be yours" I say

"Yay" Louis says

"Liam get off the ground the boys are here" I call

"I am too tired you work to much" He yells

"You don't work hard enough" I reply

"So are we going to the park or what" Harry asks

"Yay let me get Liam's laptop and Liam" I say

"Go get his laptop we can get Liam" Zayn says

"Ok, Liam where is your laptop" I call

"The table" He yells

"Thank you" I say and walk into the living room and grab his laptop off the coffee table, I open his laptop and Skype pops up I click on Niall's name and let it ring

"Is it time" He asks

"Almost we are getting ready to leave but Liam needs to get up" I say and yell the last part

"What's wrong with him" He asks

"We were racing to the door and I tripped him, but he never got up because he was tired" I say

"Oh" Niall says

"Yep and the boys are trying to get him up I assume" I say

"Why was he tired" He asks

"We were practicing" I say

"Oh, so do you think you are going to win" He asks

"Not a chance" I say

"You aren't even going to have hope in yourself" He asks

"No just because I play it doesn't mean I am good, yea I have some tricks but its not like I am amazing" I say

"She is lying she is amazing" Liam says sitting beside me

"Look who finally got up" I say

"You tired me out" He says

"So how good is Carter" Niall asks

"Exceptional" He says

"Oh that was a big word, so you must be pretty good" Louis says

"He lying to make me feel better" I say

"I only speak the truth, your "inch worm" moves are strange but effective" He says putting quotation marks around inch warm moves

"Inch worm" Niall asks

"I told you I have tricks" I say

"Can we go now" Harry asks

"Go already I want to see Carters inch worm moves" Niall says

"I should have never made a name for them" I say

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