Chapter 18

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"Carter" Someone yells, I turn around and see Adam

"Oh shit" I curse under my breath

"Carter" He says walking closer

I ignore him and the boys and make a dash to the car,

"Carter" Liam yells, I ignore him and hop in the car without a word.

"Carter what was that" Niall asks catching up with me

"Adam was in there" I say though my heavy breathing

"He didn't talk to you" Louis says

"He called my name twice and I ran out" I say as Louis pulls out of the parking lot

"Oh sorry" Niall says

"For what" I ask

"You have been though so much with him and now he's back" He says

"Its not your fault" I say.

The rest of the ride to Liam's I don't talk and just look at my hands thinking about how my life has spiraled down so fast, first the break in, then my parents, everything in general, and now Adam, what's next Amber dies, oh god probably going to happen now.

"Carter" Harry says

"Sorry" I say and climb out of the car

"We are going to get changed then the guys are coming over" Liam says

"Ok, but I think I am going to take a nap, I fell tired" I say

"Ok" Liam says.

Liam and I arrive at his flat I walk to my room and close my door and kick my shoes off, I don't even feel like changing my body feels numb.

"Carter" Liam says knocking on my door

"Come in" I say and sit on my bed

"Do you need anything" He asks

"No I'm good but thank you" I say

"Welcome, and me and the boys will be quiet" He says

"Thanks" I say

"Welcome" He says and closes the door behind him

I climb under the covers and let my eyelids close taking me into a deep sleep.

"Robbie, do we any milk left" I call to my brother from the kitchen

"No, that's why I am leaving to go get some" He says walking out of his room

"Oh ok" I say

"Wanna come with me" He asks

"Really you want me to come" I ask surprised

"No" He answers bluntly

"Oh ok I wont" I reply

"Ok, bye" He says walking out the front door

"What should I eat" I ask myself out loud

"Ohh Oreos" I say and grab the container,

Why is the front door opening Robbie probably forgot his wallet I think to myself and walk to the living room

"What did you forget" I ask

"Your not Robbie" I say looking at the middle aged man in a black hoodie

"Correct" He says a grin forming on his face

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