Chapter 17

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We make it back to the car me winning but Niall as a close second,

"Where's Zayn" Niall asks

"Sleeping" Liam says

"What time is it" I ask

"8:30" He says

"Why are we going so early" I ask

"I like to go in the mornings" Louis says

"Freak" I mumble

"Heard that" Louis says making me smirk

I climb into the middle row between Niall and Harry, no one wants to sit alone in the back so we all just squeezed in the middle while Louis and Liam are in the front.

"Who wants the radio" Liam asks

"Me" I say immediately

"I think Carter wants it on" Harry says making Niall laugh

"Its true" I say

"Well then we wont turn it on, because of your eagerness" Louis says 

"Wow eagerness, is that even in your vocabulary" I ask

"I like the radio" Louis says turning it on,

"I love this song" I yell

"I came in like a wrecking ball yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung left me crashing in a blazing fall all you ever did was wreck me yeah, you, you wreck me, I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in and instead of using force I guess I should've let you win I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in I guess I should've let you in" I sang until I realized I was the only one singing

"I done" I say as my face heats up

"I like your voice" Niall says

"Thanks, but I suck" I say

"No you don't, you aren't the best but you aren't the worst" He says

"Thanks" I say not sure if I should take it as a complement or an insult

"Welcome" He says

"We are here" Liam says

"The gym is like 2 minutes away" I say

"Yep" Harry says

I walk in, and look around while Liam and Louis talk to one of the workers,

"Lets go" Liam says

I follow the boys to the work out area with the machines and everything, I walk away from them to find someone who works here to talk to them about kick boxing, I have no clue everyone is in workout clothes, I will just talk to the front desk person who Liam talked to. There he is, I walk over to him and he smiles,

"How may I help you" He asks

"I wanted to know about some sports or programs you have here" I ask 

"Which activity are you curious about" He asks

"Do you have kick-boxing" I ask

"We do have someone who trains and works with you but no matches" He says

"That's what I wanted to do" I answer

"Ok well here is our number, and information about it as well as a list of trainers females and males" He says handing me a card and a paper

"Thank you" I say

"Welcome" He says,

I walk back to the area where I left the boys and see Liam and Louis on a machine which  I never knew the name for, Niall and Harry on a treadmill, I set my paper with the boys stuff and walk over to the board where classes and stuff are happening, lets see its 8:42 so the next class is yoga then self-defense class what kind of gym is this?

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