Chapter 27

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 Niall pulls into Becca's driveway, he house is so pretty I have always loved vintage looking stuff, Becca walks out of the front door and opens the door after she looks at me, she climbs in and puts her bag beside her and looks up at Niall then me then Niall.

"Am I in the right car" She asks

"If you weren't why would I be here" I ask

"Because Niall Horan is in the car" She says shocked

"Hi" He says

"How do you know each other" She asks

"Well my brother is Liam, so here's Niall driving me" I say

"Does Sam know or anyone" She asks

"No, I don't want to tell them" I say

"I wouldn't either" She says

"Sam actually came to Liam's flat" Niall points out

"Brit told me about that, and you lived next to him, or now with him I assume" She says

"Yea I didn't want her to know, and I do live with him" I say

"Have you meet the other boys" She asks

"Yep, I got to sleep over each of their places" I say

"I cant believe this" She says

"Neither did I at first" I say

"Wait so we're going to their concert" She asks

"Yep" I say

"I so have to rub this in Sam's face" She says

"You cant tell her about all of this" I say

"I wont, I'll just say Carter got tickets last minute from her cousin and we were already hanging out" She says

"Good plan" Niall says

"Thanks" She says

Liam's flat to Becca's house is a 20 minute drive, and Becca still feel asleep she did say she falls asleep easily in the car. We have 10 minutes till we get back, Niall turned on the radio and now we are just humming along.

"Are we going to tell her" Niall asks

"I don't know yet: I say

"Whatever you decide I am fine with it" He says

"Thanks" I say

"Welcome" He says

"I am sacred too, because I will have to tell everyone about it before it goes public" I say

Text message from Sam

Sam- Hey its a group message with me, you, Becca, Brit, Noel, Kelsie, and Ellie

Me- Becca's asleep

Ellie- She can catch up

Me- Ok

Brit- Tell her!!

Me- What??

Noel- Do you know One Direction??

"Niall" I say

"What" He asks

"They know" Becca says

"When did you wake up" I ask

"When Sam texted" She says

"Might as well tell them" He says

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