Chapter 15

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"I'll text you guys later. I am going to meet Adam" I say

"The cutest couple ever" Becca teases

"Goodbye" I say and walk to Adams locker, I cant believe its summer already I get to go to London and hang out with the boys

"Hey babe" Adam says

"Hey" I smile

"So are we going to be able to hang out this weekend" He asks

"I don't think so, I will be in London all summer" I explain

"But this summer was supposed to be special" He says

"How" I ask

"I wanted this summer to be our first time, what's the point of dating if we cant have sex" He asks with a stupid grin on his face

"Adam I don't want to have sex with you, and that's not the point of dating" I exclaim

"Carter you should be glad, I want to get in your pants you aren't the prettiest and I am sure no guy here would want to" He says

"Adam we are done don't ever talk to me" I say and turn away

"No we aren't unless I say" He says and grabs my wrist tightly

"Adam that hurts" I screech

"I don't care" He says and turns my wrist

"Adam" I say tears threating to spill

"Carter I will have you" He threatens

"No Adam we are done for good" I say

"No we aren't" He says and nails me in my ribs making me lose my balance

"Adam stop" I squeak out

"Then follow my instructions" He says sternly kicking me in my gut

"No" I say I shouldn't be doing this

"Get up" He commands taking my wrist and yanking me up

"Adam" I say tears streaming down my face

"Stop talking" He says and slaps me right below my eye

"Why are you doing this I thought you took pills to control your anger" I say

"Opps I forgot" He says

"I have to go meet my brother" I say

"Go I will text you later" He says

I quickly get up and speed off as fast as I can to the parking lot, I spot Liam in the drivers side of his car and Niall in the passenger, shit. Liam spots me first and jumps out of his car great.

"What happened to you" He says

"Get in the car I will explain later" I say and walk past him and climb into the back seat

"Carter who did that" Niall asks

"I will tell you later" I say and buckle my seat belt and wipe my eyes

We drive to my house in silence, I don't want to explain what happened I don't want to even think about it, god Adam I hate his guts so much. Liam pulls into the driveway and I jump out as soon as the car stops.

"Hey Carter" Louis says, I ignore him and walk straight upstairs to my room I am supposed to leave soon I wont see Karen or Geoff before I leave so that is a plus I don't have to see and explain it to one less person.

"Carter its Liam and Niall" Liam says

"Carter we are coming in" Niall says, I don't answer Liam opens the door and Niall closes it behind them they sit on each side of my bed and stare at me, I look down at my hands that are intertwined together.

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