Chapter 30

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"What's wrong" Becca asks

Can everyone read my mind?

"Nothing just thinking" I whisper

"Carter you are s-" She begins

"Turn on the radio" Harry says thankfully interrupting the conversation

"Yes" I say

"Ok" Zayn says and turns on the radio.

I let the boys and Becca sing there hearts out to whatever song is on, I give a smile every once in a while but I can get my thoughts from earlier out of my mind. Niall and I are 4 years apart, so what Liam and Danielle where more than 4 years apart and everyone loved Pazyer but Sophia is nice. I think Niall just needed an example about what the hate could be about, why did he do that god dammit leprechaun.

"I think we should split up" Becca says

"But I want to hang out with everyone" Louis whines

"Stop being a baby" She says

"Ouch" Liam says making everyone laugh but me.

"So Niall, and Carter are together, and I think Louis and Becca need some quality time" Zayn says

"What about us" Liam asks

"We can be a group of three" Harry says

"Then why am I here" Paul asks

"We didn't want to drive" Becca says

"Thanks" He says

"Paul you can walk around the town" Liam says

"Ok" He says and parks the car

"Lets go" Harry says

"Excited much" Becca asks

"Possibly" He smirks

"We will me here in an hour" Paul says

"Ok" Everyone says and splits up

"Are you ok" Niall asks

"Yep" I say

"Are you sure" He asks

"Yea, I was just thinking" I say

"About" He asks

"What time should I Skype Amber" I say

"You thought very deeply about that" He chuckles

"It's my thinking face" I say

"Smooth" He says

"What" I ask

"I know your lying but it's ok I always find out things" He says

"Creepy much" I ask

"Is that what you are going to do tomorrow" He asks

"Yep, do you have plans" I ask

"Yep, we get to go to the studio" He says

"Have fun" I say

"Thanks" He says

"Hold on" I say and grab my vibrating phone out of my pocket

New Text Message from Amber

Call me whhen you can, itss and emergency

Ok, I will soon

"Niall, can we find a place to sit, I need to call Amber" I say

"Cant' girl talk wait" He asks

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