Chapter 38

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"Where's you sister" I ask

"I left her in the car" He says

"Kyle, you don't leave little kids in the car" I say

"Sorry, but she was sleeping" He defends making me laugh

"Oh and it isn't the sister you say at the park, I have two this one is 5 almost 6" He says

"I love those ages" I smile

Niall's POV:

"Kyle, you don't leave little kids in the car" Carter says

"Sorry, but she was sleepy" Someone says

I open my door and stick my head out and peer down the hallway and see Carter and another guy walking next to each other smiling, I look at there hands and there intertwined, how does she know him, that doesn't look like they just meet.

"Niall what are you doing we need to get through that door" Louis says

"Where's Luke" I ask

"In Ashton and MIkey's room, why" He questions

"No reason" I say and walk to their room

"Ashton" I say knocking on there door

"Yes" He asks opening the door

"Is Luke here" I ask

"Yep" He says

"Can you get him" I plead

"Luke" Ashton yells

"What" He asks

"Niall wants you" He says and Luke comes into sight

"Hi" He says

"Did Carter know Kyle when we were dating" I ask

"How do you know Kyle" He asks

"I don't I heard talking and saw them in the hallway holding hands" I say

"Oh, no they meet yesterday and that's why she's not going to our concert so is going on a lunch date with him" He says

"So she moved on" I ask

"I'm not sure, she still has feeling for you but she tries to ignore them" He says

"Really" I ask

"Yep, but she is losing them" He says

"How can I earn them back" I ask

"I'm not sure you can" He says

"Great, so that Kyle guy will win her heart" I say and throw my hands up

"Niall, like Carter says don't sweat it, and it will all blow over" Luke says smiling

"You're using Carter's quotes on me" I ask

"You need them" He says

Carter's POV:

"Can we go to Chucky Cheese" Kyle sister Lillian asks

"No Lily" He says

"Please Kyle" She begs

"Yea, Kyle please" I plead

"Fine" He says

"Yea" She claps

"Thanks" I chuckle

"I couldn't resist you puppy dog eyes" He smiles

"Kyle is Carter you girlfriend" Lily asks making Kyle and I blush

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