Chapter 28

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We arrive at the arena and walk in through the back door,

"We have to go get ready" Harry says

"Ok" I say

"Stay with Paul, I don't want you guys getting lost" Liam says

"We aren't four" Becca says

"We know but if you get lost you might get mobbed" Niall says

"Fine we wont get lost" I say

"Good" Liam says

"I'll see you in a few" Niall says and gives me a hug

"Have a good show" I say

"I'll try my best" He says and walks off

"Were is Paul" Becca asks

"I don't know" I say

"Do you know where to go" She asks

"Yep, follow me" I say

"Ok" She says

I follow the signs and make a turn and open the door into the bathroom filled with girls with a shit load of make up on, little fakies, eww.

"This is the bathroom" Becca says

"I know I had to go" I say

"I'll got to" She says as we enter the stall.

After we finish going to the bathroom we walk out and wash our hands,

"Excuse me" Someone says

"Yes" I ask a middle aged woman

"I am Lena, I work here and Paul asked me to come here and see if you both were in the bathroom, and I have to take you to him" She says

"Oh ok" I say and follow her

"Is that Kelly" I whisper to Becca

"Oh my god" She says and rolls her eyes

"Carter, Becca" She says and gives us a fake hug

"Kelly what are you doing here" I ask

"To see One Direction" She says

"Anyway I got this woman to get you and so we got talk" She says

"We'll we would love to talk but we have to go" Becca says

"And how did you know where we were" I ask

"I saw you walk in there" She says

"Why didn't you come and talk to us" Becca asks

"I wanted to talk out in the open" Kelly says

"We'll this conversation is over, so no more open goodbye" I say and turn around and walk off with Becca

"She is such a user" I say

"How" Becca asks

"The reason she wanted to talk in the open is because people know who I am, I am related to One Direction she wanted to feel famous and be seen with me" I say

"That little, urr" She says

"Let's go find Paul" I say and head backstage

"Is that him" Becca asks pointing to a tall dark hair man

"I think" I say and walk closer to him.

"Paul" I ask

"Carter" He asks

"Yep" I say

"Finally I found you" He says

"You guys can either stay backstage or you can join some fans who won a contest in the front row" He says

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