Chapter 8

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*Beep Beep Beep*

I rolled over and shut my alarm off, I sat up and rubbed my eyes this is the day I have to leave to England with Karen also the 1 year anniversary of parents death, great combination.

I walk over to my closet and decide on black jeans, a light blue shirt, and black converse I quickly slid them on and walk over to my dresser and take the braid out of my slightly damp hair, I throw it up in a high classy ponytail and but on waterproof make up knowing I will cry today, walk to the kitchen to met my aunt to go to the cemetery.

We arrive at the cemetery and I slowly climb out of the car I turn back to my aunt she gives me a reassuring smile making tears flow from her eyes, I walk over to there grave and kneel beside them

"Hey mom hey dad I miss you guys a lot, and I love you but that's not what I came here for its the 1 year anniversary to your guys death, I cant believe its been one year one whole year without you g-guys. Well her mom I decided to give you my weekly letter on your anniversary and the day I leave with Karen to go to England. I-If you don't know yet I am moving to England with a woman named Karen she is really nice and told me she would help me get into London University, I wont be coming here for a while but I still write you letters every week I promise. I know you hate long speeches so I guess I will say goodbye now, I love you guys more than you can imagine goodbye for a while." I say sobbing

I walk back to the car and climb in without a word to my aunt she is coming back here later so she can have alone time and so I wont be late, I am glad I wore waterproof make up I don't have the strength to redo it. After a ride in silence we arrive at school, I already said our goodbyes at home so I wouldn't have to at school and be sobbing while I walk in I put my book bag on and kiss my aunt and hug her I walk into school and see Amber. I will change just for them.

"Hey girly" I say walking up behind here

"Hey" She says sadly

"Don't be sad I know I am leaving and all but I want this last day here to be good" I say opening my locker

"Your right but everyone so sad" She sighs

"Then I will make them happy" I say

"Ok" She says obviously not believing me

"Hey Carter hey Amber" Alex says walking over to us with Matt

"Hey guys" I say shutting my locker and turning to them

"Can you believe its here you get to go to England" Matt says

"I know I am happy to be going there but leaving you guys is a major downside" I say

"You have always liked England" Matt adds

"I have and Alex can I talk to you real quick" I ask getting a death glare from Amber

"About the homework for Spanish" I add

"Sure" He says a little confused

I walk into the gym with Alex trailing behind me, I turn and look at a confused Alex

"This isn't about homework is it" He asks

"No" I say

"Then what" He asks

"Someone likes you in our group but-" I start

"Is it Amber I think she is so pretty and she is smart, nice, kind, and wait please tell me its Amber or this will be really awkward" He says

"It is Amber" I say

"Really I never thought she would like me" Alex says

"She does but you need to ask her out, you were drooling over the thought of her" I say

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