Chapter 31

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"What" Niall asks

"Carter you have food poisoning" Liam says

"My mom had food poisoning but she didn't throw up like that" Becca says

"It's different for everyone" I add

"How did you get it" Louis asks

"No clue" I say

"What have you eaten today" Liam asks

"I don't know, a scone, maybe an apple" I shrug

"The scone" Becca says

"What about" I ask

"My mom ate something that's she's never had before, it was something English and that's how she got it" Becca says

"Good to know" I say and get up

"What are you doing" Niall asks

"Going to my room to make a call" I say

"No you need to rest" Liam says

"After I make this call, it's important" I beg

"Who are you calling" He asks

"One of my guy friends" I shrug

"Who" Niall asks

"Alex" I say and walk to my room

I pick up my phone off the side table, I stop when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, I look up and see Niall standing next to me.

"Carter you need to get some rest" He says gently taking my phone out of my hands

"Niall, I need to talk to Alex, he broke my best friends heart, I want to brake his face, but I cant because I all the way over here" I sigh and plop on the bed

"I know it's hard Carter, but Alex made his choice, and that wouldn't have effected you if you were in America or England" He says sitting next to me

"Let me talk to him for 2 minutes" I plead

"Carter-" He begins but is cut off by Amber's ringtone, I quickly snack the phone from him and answer the call

"Hey Amber"

"I know why Alex broke up with me"

"I was about to call him, but why"

"He likes another girl"

"Not even but he was head over heels for you"

"You will never guess who the girl is"

"Is she one of our friends, do I know here"

"No, and you are very close to her"

"I don't know"


"Your lying"


"Hold on"

"Niall can you leave for a moment" I ask

"Sure" He says leaving

"Ok I'm good"


"But Amber don't worry, I am not going to date him"

"I know you wont, but I am ticked off, the reason he likes you is because you are famous"

"I am going to call him"

"Good luck"

"Don't need it"

I hang up and click on Alex's contact name, he picks up on the second ring,

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