Chapter 34

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Carter's POV:

I need to get my mind off of all of this, school is 2 minutes away, I can walk there and get my mind off of things. I better right Liam and Karen a note, I change into black shorts and my breast cancer under armor shirt and grab a piece of paper and a pen.

Dear Karen and Liam,

 I need to clear my head, if you don't know why ask one of the boys, I'll be at school for a run or something. I'll be home soon.

                                                                                                                          Love, Carter

I grab my phone and earbuds and throw on a light hoodie and shove them into my pockets. I walk into the bathroom and wipe off all my ruined make-up, and walk downstairs and leave the note on the kitchen table, and walk out the front door.

Liam's POV:

"Mum we have to go home" I say

"Why honey" She asks

"Niall just broke up with Carter" I say

"Is she ok, why, how, what" She says

"I don't know, neither does Carter, Luke just texted me saying she isn't good" I say

"Ok, we can go right now" She says

Carter's POV:

I can't believe he actually did that and out of the blue too, why am I thinking about this, I came here to clear my head of thoughts about Niall. God dammit I hate everything, I need to shut up and just kick these soccer balls.

"Carter" Someone asks

"Couch" I ask turning around

"What are you doing here, after school" He asks

"I needed to clear my head so I came here to take some shots" I say

"I hate to stop you but the boys soccer team has practice in 5 minutes" He says

"Oh that's ok I was just finishing up" I say

"Your welcome to stay if you like" He offers

"What would I do" I ask kicking soccer ball to him

"Assist me, you can show the boys how it's done" He says

"Are you sure coach" I ask

"Yes Carter, you are exceptional player, and the boys are cocky and think they can win anything and not work as hard anymore, if you show them how its done then they will for sure whip into shape" He says

"Sure coach" I say

"Oh and because you are doing this you can miss practice Monday" He says

"You really think I'm missing practice" I ask

"That's a point" He says

"There they are" He says looking over to the boys walking on the field

"What is a girl doing here" One asks

"First off this girl has a name dip thong it's Carter, and second off I'm here to show you a few skills" I say

"Carter is here to show you a few things, you are too cocky, and Carter is going to wipe you into shape" He says

"We aren't cocky, we are just good" Another guy smirks

"And we don't need a girl to teach us anything, more like we need to teach her something" Another interjects

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