Chapter 6

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I walk with Matt, Amber, and Matts mom inside the building, we walk up the stairs Matts mom punches in a code and the door unlocks, she opens it and allows the three of us though I am almost a hundred percent positive Amber can here my heart pumping she keeps sending me glances every so often. We reach her office and walk in to see a woman in here mid 30's sitting in a chair near the corner.

"Hello Karen" Matts moms say walking over to who I assume is Karen

"Hi Rene long time no see" she say in a British accent I could have excepted that she lives in England

"This is Carter, my son Matt, and there friend Amber I hope its ok that they are here during the interview they are all very close" she says

"That is fine I can understand while they will want to be here for there friend" she says

"Anyway this is Carter" Matts mom says pushing me slightly towards Karen

"Hi Carter I am Karen" Karen says smiling sticking her hand out

"Pleasures all mine" I say trying to be polite

"Well why don't all of us take a seat" Matts mom says walking behind her desk and sitting

"So Carter Karen will ask you questions and you can answer them, simply as that" She says

"Ok" I say and divert my attention to Mrs. Karen

"Carter I will just ask you basic questions that way if this works out I can get to know you over time" She says

"Ok" I say glad she wont bring up my past

"How old are you" she asks

"15,almost 16" I answer

"These questions will just give me a little information about you, they are cheesy questions" She adds

"Ok" I say, she is really nice but right now is treating me like a 3 year old

"Favorite color" She asks

"Green but blue is a close second" I say

"Do you play any sports" She asks

"Yes, swimming, soccer, tennis, and I kick box" I say

"Oh, I would have never thought you would kick box" She says

"Most people wouldn't think I did" I say

"Is that a problem that she kick boxes" Matt asks

"No its fine" She says

"Matt I can handle this calm down" I say

"Its ok I understand how protective friends can be" she says, I hope this works out she is really nice

After 6 other questions she has ran out of them

"Carter I think you should tell her about your parents" Amber says, Amber I was trying to avoid that conversation

"Your right" I say, might as well get this over with

"Mrs. Karen" I begin

"Call me Karen" She says

"Right, but I this I should tell you about my past basically how I got here" I say and she nods

"Well about a year ago both of my parents died in a car crash and I began to live my aunt, about 5 months ago I began to blow off my steam by taking more sports up, I played soccer while my parents were alive but then added tennis, swimming, and finally kick boxing. Before my parents death I was a lucky girl had a healthy family a good life I might want to add that I had a brother and a sister, anyway about 2 weeks ago I couldn't handle living her anymore my family would always bring them and my friends started to treat me differently so I thought putting myself up for adoption would help with a fresh start. You should know something else about me I always told my mom I wanted to go to college my dream school is London University so I very dedicated to school and good grades" I say

"Carter you have had a hard past and that's why I am here to help you and like you said have a fresh start, and I am willing to help you with your dream of going to London University" Karen says

"That means a lot to me" I say

"I hate to cut this short but Carter, Amber, and Matt have to be going now while we can finish this up" Matts mom says

"It was nice meeting you all" Karen say

"You too" All three of us say

"We will be in touch Carter" Karen says

"I hope so" I say

Matt, Amber, and I all walk out of her office and out the front door

"There's my aunt" I say pointing to her car

"She must be our ride" Amber says

We walk to her car and I climb in the front and Matt and Amber go into the back

"How was it" my aunt asks

"Actually really good, the mom was extremely nice her husband couldn't make it though because she is on a girls weekend visiting a friend in America" I say

"She doesn't live in America" She asks

"Oh umm no she live in England" I say

"Carter you will be away from everyone your sister-" She begins

"I don't care she doesn't give a dam about me, never has, never will" I say and look out the window  

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