Chapter 22

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"What" I ask

"I like you hair" He says

"Thanks" I say

"Welcome" He says

"That's some secret" Amber says

"I have another" He says

"What would that be" I ask

"I like someone" He says

"Is it my hair" I ask

"Yes" He says

"Oh Niall you are fun when you are drunk" I say

"Where's Zayn" Amber asks

"There" I say pointing to Zayn asleep on the couch

"So Harry isn't moving" Liam says coming in the living room

"Then we will sleep out here" I say

"With Zayn" Amber asks

"Why is he asleep he wasn't even that drunk more like just making it" Liam says

"He is a sleepy drunk" I say

"Umm ok" Liam says

"What do we do with these ones" I ask pointing to Niall and Louis

"Bring them back to their flats" Liam says

"We'll walk one back and you walk the other one" Amber says

"Ok who wants to go with me" Liam asks

"Me" Louis says jumping up then losing his balance

"Don't fall" I say

"No promises" He says

"Lets get Niall home" Amber says

"Ok" I say

"Niall lets go" I say

"Ok" He says and gets up.

Amber and I walk Niall out with Liam and Louis following behind us but then going the other way to Louis and Harry's flat.

"Hey Carter" Niall says to Amber

"Go with it" I mouth to her

"Ok" She mouths back

"Hi Niall" She says

"Your pretty" He says

"Thank you" She says

"I like you" He says poking her cheeks then stumbling

"You better like me or we would have an issue" Amber says

"I do" He says

"Who is this" Niall asks looking at me

"You don't know who I am" I ask

"I do you Carter" He says

"Who am I" Amber asks

"Amber" He reply's

"You just called me Carter" She says

"Opps" He says

"Ok, Niall here's your flat" I say opening his door

"Home sweet home" He says

"Goodnight" I say

"Goodnight" He says as I close the door.

"They are fun when there drunk" Amber says

"I wouldn't call that fun" I say


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