Chapter 20

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Niall's POV:

"Should we tell" Louis asks

"Yes" I say answering his question

"Eager much" Harry asks

"I think she deserves to know" I defend

"I do deserve to know" She says

"Fine" Liam says

"What is it" She asks

"We are going sight seeing" Zayn says

"Guys, I have always wanted to go sight seeing in London" She says with a big smile

"But we need to turn this car around and get my camera" She says

"I have it" Liam says holding her camera up

"Yes, Liam I love you" She says taking it from Liam

"Love you too" He says

"I so have to rub this in Ambers face" She says putting the strap around her neck

"Smile" She says turning around and taking a picture of the boys behind us.

"Niall doesn't get a picture because he had to drive" Louis says

"I like driving" I say

"You will get a picture, but not now" She says

"See Lou, I do get a picture" I say

"But not now" He says

"Liam did you happen to bring my box" She asks

"Yep" He says taking her box from the floor full of pictures

"Can we look through the pictures" Harry asks

"No" She says

"Why" Zayn asks

"I will let you one day but not now" She says mocking Louis from earlier

"We're here" I say putting the car in park

"Yea" She says and hops out of the car

"Can we go on the London Eye" Louis asks

"No" Carter says

"Why not" I ask

"I hate Ferris Wheels" She says

"But you can take really good pictures" Liam says

"Fine, but can we walk around first" She asks

"Ok" Louis says

"Big Ben" She says and runs to it

"Carter wait" I say and chase after her

She runs to the grass area in front of Big Ben and kneels down on one knee and puts her camera to her face and snaps pictures of it, she gets up and walks backward and stands still and snaps more pictures, I run in front of her camera as she takes the picture and put my face in the leans and make a face.

"Niall" She says laughing

"Sorry but I wanted my close up" I say

"Guys stop running away from us" Zayn says stopping in front of us with the other boys

"Sorry" Carter says


We all get home and  decide to hang at Liam's flat so Carter can get her bag and put away her camera. We walk inside and Carter goes straight to her room while me and the boys sit on the couch.

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