Chapter 32

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"So I want to hear more about your life in America" Niall says

"Before or after my parents died" I ask

"Which ever you feel comfortable with" He says

"I'll tell you about before" I say

"You don't have to" He says

"I want to" I say

"Ok" He says

"Well when they died they were on there way to pick dinner, I was at my aunts house, my sister was at her boyfriends house, well fiancé now, and my brother was at training. A car crashed head on into them killing my dad at the crash and my mom was rushed to the hospital but died there. I don't know how they died, like what killed them I didn't ask" I say

"Carter I'm sorry" He says grabbing my hand

"I haven't talked to my brother or my sister since" I say ignoring his apology

"Wow what was your brother training for" He asks

"Military is was what my mom wanted him to do" I say

"Did your mom want you to do anything" He asks

"Go to college, get out of Maryland, I loved to travel they hated it" I say

"You have traveled far from Maryland" He says

"I told her I always wanted to go to London University, so I made my grades at the top of the class" I say

"Good for you" He says

"Then when my parents died I moved in with my aunt, at that time my brother lived with us for 2 weeks before he left and my sister lived with her boyfriend, when we lived together at my aunts we didn't talk I never came out of my room, Rob had to stay strong he was going to have to get used to death when he goes to war he was fine after a week, me I cry to this day, I think about them everyday, I never talked to my sister so I don't know how about her, Niall can you keep a secret" I ask

"Sure" He says

"Every Monday, I write letters to my mom, thinking that she will read them, the next time I visit their graves I am going to give it to her" I say

"Have you never told anyone" He asks

"Nope" I say

"Thanks for telling me" He says

"Welcome" I say

"Are you going to tell Sam about you meeting 5SOS, or invite her" He asks

"Yea, I will after Brit leaves she is going to be there for a couple of hours before she leaves" I say

"Are we ever going to meet your friends" He asks

"You meet Becca, and Amber, and will meet Sam soon" I point out

"I know but I want to meet everyone" He says

"You act like I have thousands off friends" I chuckle

"You might" He says

"I want you to meet Matt, you two would get along well" I say

"I don't want to meet Alex" He says

"Don't even mention the name" I groan

"By the way, I heard your conversation with him" He smirks

"Creeper" I say

"You talk loudly" He says

"We'll I was mad" I defend

"I know you were very mad" He chuckles

"I am taking a nap" I say and lean my head against the window and close my eyes.

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