Chapter 36

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Niall" POV:

"Carter" Zayn says

"Carter" I ask

"Yes, but only for a little bit, we are visiting Maryland and she wants to see her friends so she will only be here for a week" Louis says

"Is she here" I ask

"Yes at the hotel" He says

I don't know how I feel about this, I still aren't over our brake up and I broke up with her! Was she starting to not like me, no she does, or did like me she hung up quick before I got to tell her why. Should I talk to her, no she is probably mad, I assume Louis told her why I broke up with her, who is she sleeping with? Probably Liam. So it's settled I will not talk to her unless I have too, or want to.

"Don't worry, she isn't staying with you, she is staying with Luke while we are in a hotel" Liam says

Forget that

"Why is she staying with Luke" I ask with an attitude

"They are best friends, and she doesn't have a boyfriend, and it would be weird if she stayed with me" Liam says

"I still think she shouldn't sleep with Luke" I say

"Why cant she stay with Zayn, he is engaged and they are also best friends" I ask

"Niall calm down, nothing will happen between them" Harry says

"Wait a few days" I scoff

Carter's POV:

"The boys are here" Calum says

"Thanks Panda" I say

"It's starting to grow on me" He says

"I am just good with nick names" I say

"Luke's nick names is the best" Ashton says

"I like his the best too" I agree

"Let's go meet the boys" Calum says

"Ok" I say ignoring the fact Niall will be there

I follow Calum and Ashton to Louis and Harry's room, I wonder if Liam and the boys told Niall about me being here for a week, he should be ok with it after all, I am weak and he is strong, I would see what people said about me through jealousy and brake down and cry. Well no Niall, not this girl, I have been to hell and back, and what people say to me over the internet doesn't affect me. If they say it to my face that is a whole different story.

I enter the room, and see Louis, Zayn, Harry sitting on the bed, Liam sitting in a chair, and Niall leaning on the table next to Liam. I sit on the couch between Luke and Mikey, while Ashton and Cal joins the boys on the bed due lack of seating.

"Why did we need to meet her" Mikey asks braking the silence

"To talk about the concert" Liam says

"Well, I'm not in any bands so I am going back to my room to uh... unpack" I say

"Wait you need the key" Luke says as I stand up

"Do you have it" I ask

"No, do you" He asks

"No" I say

"Then we are locked out" He chuckles

"I'll go to the front desk and ask fro another key" I say

"Ok, I be in later" He says

"Ok" I say and walk out the door

I can take a walk, well a walk to the front desk to get keys, I like walks anyway, I would go for a walk, but I don't know where anything is, and because I have to go inside or Luke will be locked out. So no walk for me today, maybe I should go to the concert tomorrow, I need something to do, and I will show Niall that I am so over him. I need something that shows that, and going to his concert with his friends doesn't really show that.

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