Chapter 39

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"Carter" I ask knocking on the door

"Niall" She asks opening the door with a puzzled look

"I want to talk to you" I say

"Niall if this anything close to the conversation we had at the park, you can save it" She says

"No its nothing about that, about us" I say

"Then come in" She says and steps back so I can enter

"I wanted to talk to you about you staying here" I say

"What do you mean" She asks shutting her laptop and sitting beside it

"Liam told me you are going to stay with us then entire tour, and Luke told me you are taking online classes, but what about sports you said that's the second most important thing in your life" I say

"Karen wants me to stay the entire tour, she thinks it would be great for me to travel" She says

"So what about sports" I ask

"I guess I wont be in them this year, I really have no choice" She shrugs

Carter's POV:

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure you thought this through" He says

"Niall you aren't my parents, I don't need your advice" I say in the sweetest way possible

"My bad for caring about you" He says and walks out of the room

I need something to clear my head, once one door closes another opens, I caught up on my school work, so I have free time, I should get in the shower and clean up. It's almost 5 so I get in the shower, hang out with the boys, read my book, and call it a night.

The Next Morning

"Are we doing anything today" I ask

"Nope" Luke says

"Can you ask the boys if they want to go to the pool, I'm thinking of inviting Kyle to meet you guys" I say

"You want Kyle to meet us, and Niall" He asks

"We'll I thought maybe just you, Ashton, Mikey, and Calum could come" I say

"Maybe you can ask Liam or Zayn to send Niall to run some errands" He says

"I'll ask Zayn and he will probably tell Liam" I say

"Zayn will probably have an idea in mind, plus if Kyle wants to date you he will have to meet all of his at once" Luke says

"I should warn him" I say

"We aren't that bad" He defends

"Sure" I say and pull out my phone

Hey, I wanted to know if you could come over and go to the pool with me and the boys today?

Sure, and this time no kids will be there

I wouldn't be to sure about that, we have Ashton and Mikey

Is this like a test then? To see if I am worthy

To Luke it is, and worthy what am I a queen

Your my queen

Someone's flirty today

I have to go, I'll see you later today, come over at 2

Ok, see you soon

"Kyle's coming at 2" I say

"Ok better go ask Zayn to work his magic, it's already 12" He says

"Ok, let me change then I'll go" I say and walk over to my suitcase

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