Chapter 16

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"Here's some paper" Zayn says holding up a notepad

"Write all the boys names" Liam says tossing him a pen

Zayn catches the pen and writes the boys name and rips the page out, then rips it into smaller squares, and folds them up

"Ok here they are" Zayn says putting them in the bowl

"Let Carter pick" Louis says

"Ok" Zayn say, I get up and walk over to Zayn and pick a name out of the bowl, I un-fold the paper and see Louis name scribbled on it

"Its Louis" I say turning to paper around for them to see

"YES" He says

"You sound like you just won the lottery" I chuckle

"Maybe you are the lottery" He winks at me

"Oh please" I say and sit back down on the couch next to Niall

"I am going to unpack now so I will see you later" I say and get up

"Do you know where Liam's place" Niall asks

"No" I say

"Niall can you show her me and the boys have to talk" Liam says

"Do I need to talk to" He asks

"No you already know" Liam says making Louis laugh

"Umm ok" He says and walks up to me

"Do you need any help unpacking" He asks

"If you want to you can help" I say

"Its better than hanging out with the boys" He jokes

"Yea because I am way better than the boys" I say

"Maybe you are" He says

"Whatever" I say chuckling

"So about your text with Amber" He says

"You know its not nice to read peoples text" I say

"I know but it was for a good reason" He says

"No it wasn't" I argue

"Carter don't listen to Adam" He says, how can I not when I believe him

"And he was lying remember Connor liked you" He says

"More liked used me" I add

"And I know someone else who likes you" He says

"Who" I ask

"I cant tell" He says

"Butt face" I say

"I hope we unpack quick, I hate unpacking" He says changing the subject

"Then why are you helping me" I ask as Niall opens the door for me

"I thought I would be nice" He says

"Well thank you" I say

"Welcome" He says following me up the stairs

"Close your eyes" I instruct him

"Why" He asks confused

"I am putting away my special things" I say

"Oh ok" He says laughing

"Close them" I say sternly

"They are" He says closing his eyes

"Thank you" I say and un zip my suitcase, and grab my bras and underwear and quickly stuff them into the top left drawer

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