Chapter 19

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"Carter get ready we are leaving soon" Liam says knocking on my door

"Ok" I say, I grab my robe, underwear, bra, my phone, and my speaker so I can listen to music while I shower, since I got here I have been more into music then in America probably because the guys don't treat me different.

I make a dash to my room my phone banging on my leg while I run, I make it there without Liam or the boys seeing me good, I walk over to my drawer and decide on a pink strapless bathing suit with a bow on it, and some bleached jean shorts, and a black muscle tee. I quickly slid on the clothes and put my damp hair into a high ponytail and walk to the living room.

"Everyone's ready" Niall says as soon as he spots me

"Finally" Louis says

"I wasn't that long" I defend

"Sure" He says.


Arriving at the beach

"The beach yes" Zayn says when it comes into view

"Are you excited" Niall says poking my side

"Yea I love beaches, but I don't think I am getting in the water" I say

"Why" Harry asks

"I don't like the water" I say

"But your a swimmer" Liam says

"I know but I don't like big bodies of water like the ocean" I say

"Wimp" Zayn says

"You cant swim though "I say

"Yea, but at least I step in the water" He says

"Shut up" I say as Louis parks the car

"He's not wrong" Niall says

"Hey, that's not nice" I say

"But its true" He says mocking me from yesterday

"Lets go" Louis says, sorry if I am talking Lou I don't care if I am the last one out of the stupid car

Me and Niall climb out of the car and help getting the towels, and stuff from the back, the boys all have a race to the beach while I stay back not wanting to get there quicker.

"Why aren't you running, you love races" Niall yells to me

"I will get there when I get there" I say

"No fun" He says he says making me smile

"Watch out" A familiar voice yells, while a volleyball slams into my side making me lose my balance and fall

"What the hell" I say

"I told you too watch out" The voice says, I look up and see Connor.

"Oh hey Carter" He says

"Hey Connor" I say grabbing the stuff I dropped

"Carter are you ok" Niall ask running to me with Liam

"Yea I'm fine" I say

"So Carter wanna play" Connor asks

"Umm no thanks" I say

"But we really want you too" He says

"Its a no" Liam says annoyed

"Oh ok, I didn't know you had a boyfriend" Connor says looking at Liam

"More like my brother" I say annoyed as well

"Oh then who the blondie" He asks looking at Niall

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