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"Higher ballons Cindy, straighten your ankles Evi!"

I held my heel stretch longer, viewing my tutu flare above my waist. Our instructor passed me, swatting my knees .

"They're bucking. Strengthen up Evi!" She commanded. I chewed on my bottom lip, straightening them the best I could considering I've been holding this stand for over a minute, which is quite difficult.

"Okay everyone to the Barre's." Ms.Mandy stated. I placed my right foot back on the floor, exhaling heavily, a breath I've been holding quite a couple of seconds.

I finally swayed to the barre as everyone else was already stretching. Lifting my left leg on the post, I bent down towards the floor to get a better stretch.

"As you all know, our number for the recital is a contemporary dance..." Ms.Mandy begin to inform us of again. As if the last couple of weeks weren't enough of a reminder of our recital we're doing on the day of graduation.

Thankfully, I had enough credits to not attend for the rest of the next three weeks. I was just waiting out for the big day.

As excited I was to be finally graduating, what's really been weighing on my mind was the bag of illegal drugs I had stashed underneath my clothes in my dresser.

How would I even give it back to this guy? For crying out loud, I didn't even know who he was!

I sighed heavily from the stressful thought when someone cleared their throat right after. I snapped away from my thoughts, seeing everyone glancing back at me.

"I'm sorry Evi, was what I was saying too unimportant and boring for you?" The instructor said in a sarcastic tone. I shook my head no, slowly. Though it was.

She simply nodded before clasping her hands together. "Very well. Class is dismissed. Be sure to pick up your costumes for the routine at the door." She spoke.

I removed my leg from the barre, stretching a bit more before grabbing my duffle bag. Of course I stood out like a sour thumb in this class. From my complexion to my Michael Jordan logo black duffle bag apart from their pink, glittered bags.

It didn't really bother me, but if I did not have to be here I wouldn't.

"Evi, can you stay back?" Ms.Mandy asked more demandingly. I put my strap over my shoulder, trailing over towards her as everyone else left out.

"You were kind of lacking in class.." I raised an eyebrow, bewildered.

"Was I? I didn't see it." I faintly shook my head.

"You didn't, I did. Just be sure to practice at home." She patted my shoulder before walking off. I rolled my eyes before turning on my heels, snatching my costume up, and exiting the building getting confronted by winds and heavy raining.

"Really?" I uttered, remaining underneath the canopy extended from the building.

My mom usually is always on time with anything dealing with something she approves of. Ballet class as one. I found my phone from the outer pockets of my bag, unlocking it and dialing her number.

Holding it up to my ear and holding my fist under my elbow, thunder boomed startling me. I groaned as after four rings her voicemail started to play : Hey it's Annie Anderson. I couldn't get to the phone so leave a brief message after the tone. I hung up not even feeling like leaving a message.

I pulled my tight bun loose, running my fingers through my hair. I put it in a messy ponytail, kneeling down against the bricks of the building.

I watched the rain pour down and the streets flood. Cars past at the speed limit, none familiar to be my mom's. Moments later, a black on black shaded camaro slowed next to the block.

I knitted my eyebrows together as they lowered the passenger window. I looked in, recognizing who it was.

"Aye ballerina need a ride?" Niko grinned widely, leaning over the seat.

I stood to my feet, covering my head with my bag. I smiled small as I walked to his car. He pulled off a bit causing me to frown.

"Nik.." I said in an exhausted tone. He chuckled with that annoying smirk glued to his face.

"Alright, I'm done." I strolled slowly this time, grabbing the handle. I opened it and got in. He lifted the window as I clicked on my seatbelt.

"Thank you. I got you on gas money." I leaned back against his plushed seats, inhaling softly. I felt his index finger poke my jaw as he pulled off.

"You good ballerina." He said over the music, Do Not Disturb played. I let out a throaty groan, shutting my eyes tightly.

"Don't call me that." I mumbled. I noticed I sat tomboyish as my legs were spread. I crossed them.

"Alright alright. Seriously though Hershey, its nothing." I looked at him. Always calling me something other than my name.

"You're chocolate too and I've gotta give you something in return for this. Nothing nasty either." I pointed my finger at him, already knowing what he would muster up next.

"I don't want your money, but I do want you at my party Friday night." He spoke, stopping at a red traffic light. Niko looked at me, awaiting my response.

I looked back at him for maybe a second and faced the road. "I'll see."

"Come on now Evi. Your little friend, Trin, coming." He added. I nodded.

"I don't go everywhere she goes but I said I'll see. You know how my mom is." I spoke low.

"True that. Just sneak out. It starts at nine and I'm announcing the college I'm going to. Some spiked drinks, dancing, all of that going down. Its going to be lit shawty." He excitedly stated, speeding off on the green light. I poked his cheek.

"Aye don't call me shawty, I'm not one of your little fast hoes!" He smirked.

"I don't have hoes."

"These opened condom packages beg to differ."

"Meanwhile, you keep avoiding my invitation." He said, ignoring my statement. "Not everyone gets invited by the king himself so you should be honored." Niko threw in. I rolled my eyes playfully as he slowed in front of my house.

I gave him a side hug. "I'll surprise you." He glared at me playfully, watching me as I got out the car.

I recovered myself as I ran up to the door. "Thanks!" I yelled to him. He nodded, letting up the window.

I got out my key, unlocking the door. He drove away once I walked in and my phone buzzed.

Mom :
Working late.

Thanks for the heads up, I thought throwing my bag down heading towards the kitchen.

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