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I pulled my hair back into a tight ponytail and let out a deep breath. My dad sat on the opposite sofa with his face in his palms. I rested my elbows against my knees, waiting for this lecture.

With the help of Ivy, we got them to stop fighting – having to dodge a few flying punches ourselves. After a heated argument with one another as we held them apart, Jue left to go home.

My dad had went into their bedroom for nearly two hours and finally came out. He called me downstairs and here we are.

"Why Evi?" He asked, pulling his hands from his face and stared at them. He continued before I could speak up. "Why him? Are you already sexually active with him?"

"Yeah." I mumbled and he sighed. I know this type of conversation wasn't easy or comfortable for any parent to have with their child– times ten for a dad and daughter.

"Please tell me you use protection. Are you on birth control? The shot?" He looked at me, hurt evident in his eyes.

"We use protection." I said simply and he looked off to the side.

"You should try to get some pills too. Last thing I want is grandkids with him as the baby daddy." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay dad, chill out. Please." I warned. "You act like I'm not grown."

"Regardless how old you get Evi, you'll still be my child. You really thought I'd see that and not react? Any decent dad would do the same thing I did."

I shook my head. "Well I wish this same decent dad you are now cared this much about me to visit me when I was younger." I pressed. 

"Evi." He side eyed me. "That little nigga already influencing you to disrespect me."

"No, he actually opened my eyes. You admitted yourself that when he said that, you had a lot of explaining to do." I shrugged.

"I don't have to explain myself to you. You better calm down with me." He pointed towards me. I raised my hands in defense, looking  away. 

"Here's your choices either you stay here and break up with him or you leave and do whatever you want." He spoke, standing up to his feet. "I'm only looking out for you Evi."

He left up the stairs and I looked at the clock, seeing it just now striking eight o'clock. I had a hard decision to make here. I rubbed my temples, going into deep, hard thought.



"Fuck." I groaned, closing my front door quickly. I leaned against it, facing upward with my eyes shut. I flexed my fingers as they were sore and my knuckles bleeding slightly.

"Old nigga strong as hell." I shook my head, darting my eyes over the floor. I let my thoughts sink in of what just happened. I sighed deeply, hoping Evi was alright afterwards.

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