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"I'm sorry for lying about it." I say lastly to complete my confessions through the phone. I explained everything to Evi finally and I could tell it was bothering her—what I was trying to avoid from happening in the first place.

"Next time if it's as serious as your life being in vain, tell me please." She sighs stressfully and I nod because i understood the place she was coming from– as if she could physically see me.

"I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't have lied but I just didn't want you worrying. It won't happen again though." I tell her in honesty.

"I forgive you, just don't get involve with them at all cause it won't end well." For a moment, I stayed quiet and soaked in what she was saying —too late because that fifty dollars was already given to them yesterday afternoon.

Big Will assured me it'll get handled quick and fast but oddly, I still had this bad gut feeling– I'd mentally prepared myself for the worse.

"I'm about to get Tevon. I'll talk to you later." I say quickly evade this subject.

"Okay, I love you. Bye."

"Alright, bye." I said then ended the call with no hesitation. I bit into my bottom lip gently, looking at my home screen and the apps scattered around it. She's repeatedly told me she loved me. That feeling wasn't there yet with me and I was starting to feel bad for not saying it back.

When I am to utter those words, I want it to be one hundred percent real, from the heart and true— not blurting it out with no significant meaning or feeling behind it.

On the other hand, this common cold was finally making it's way out my system. All I was doing from here and there is coughing. Our doctor appointments went good and fortunately the antibiotics were doing their jobs — should be cured in a couple weeks or months.

Evi was still concerned about whether or not she would become infertile since the doctor said it was hard to tell right now –it's been weighing on my mind too even though kids is not in the plan right now.

As most women, I'm quite sure she'll want some one day though.

I climbed out my truck and walked through the grassy lawn in need of a trim. Terrance, what you doing? I had got some deals in mind for Evi—something I know she's great at: basketball — but I still had to go by the facility and then get a call back afterwards.

By the third faint knock I made on the hard wooden door, it opened with no hesitation. Terrance immediately handed me Tevon's bag as Tevon sidestepped from around him with a cape around his neck.

"Everything he'll need and want is in the bag. Don't lose him this time, okay?" T said while looking at me and shook his head in shame. I nodded with a brief chuckle.

"Alright, I got it mommy Terrance." He scoffed. "What you plan on getting into?" I asked from curiosity. I pressed my fingertips into Tevon's head as he was anxious to get to my truck.

"I'm not even sure, we're just going to be cruising around and probably the strip club later. I just need to get out this house for a change and let momma have some quiet while I'm gone."

"Man, I haven't been to a strip club since I hit twenty one." I reminisced while looking out into the distance.

"Umhm. See you later Tev, be good. Don't get lost, okay? Stay with your big head uncle." I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Akikiki, come on Tev." I say and pat his back for him to begin walking before me. I turned to face towards Terrance. "Get some cuddy tonight to remove that stank ass Grinch attitude." I say and he waved me off.

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