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I pulled up along the curb of the house and honked. My mouth gapped slowly before I sneezed loudly into the tissue in my hand. I blew my nose and sighed while wiping the lingering mucus. Thanks to Evi, I now have a cold too.

I shook my head and widened my eyes as Redd came running out the house putting a hoodie on quickly while the husband had his rifle in his hand, standing in the doorway. Redd opened my passenger door so I put the truck in drive.

"Go nigga!" He says and I pull off quickly before this guy shoot up my vehicle.

Redd calls me telling me things went on between him and Drea again. Bad part was she drove him to her place and while they were in the middle of intercourse, her husband came home.

He contacted me to come get him since he was hidding in the closet—he knew it wouldn't end well considering her husband suspected something wasn't right and started checking every room and closet in the house.

"I told you to stop fucking with that married woman. What I tell you? That nigga swole as fuck! About to get yourself shot over her." I nag hoarsely and sniffed, feeling the mucus clog my nostrils.

"You was right. She's going to have to find somebody else to fix that raggedy ass car." He breathed, probably still traumatized of what just happened. I shook my head in disbelief. "You look like a wreck."

"I'm sick as hell." I reply and take a right turn.

"I can see that clearly. Where we going anyways?"

"I'm going by my mom house to pick up some soup she made for me."

"Big ass baby nigga." He laughed and let his seat back to where he was lying down. I shrugged.

"That shit be good and spicy. Loosens up this nasty ass snot." I say and he nodded.

"How'd you get it?"


"Damn, she giving you everything." He chuckled but stopped quickly after noticing I wasn't laughing. "That's messed up."

I simply shrug and continue on my way to my mom's house. Evi still wasn't talking to me and that's alright cause I'm not even the blame. I decided I'm going to switch the roles and see if she step up. I'm not giving up on us but I'm not kissing her ass anymore when it's not my fault. I'd shoot her a text later and lay it out.

I parked behind Terrance's truck and decided to keep the truck on. "I'll be back." I tell him through my hoarseness as I opened my door. The door ajar alarm sounds so I close it back after he said okay.

I walk through the grass and pull my beanie farther down over my ears. I knocked on the door loudly and leaned into my arm, sneezing. I huffed, frustrated with this sickness as the door opened.

"Hurry in." My mother, Chenille states quickly and pulls me in. I shut the door behind me as I follow her to the kitchen.

"I packed you three bowls of it. You know how much you like to eat nowadays." She said while placing the containers in a bag neatly.

"A man gotta eat." I joke and help her out by putting the last container in. "Thank you momma." I give her a hug but turn my face away from her to keep from breathing or coughing in her face.

"You're welcome. I hope you get well." She says and I nod slowly, looking at the soup through the containers. "How's Evi?" She asks additionally.

I cough roughly into my fist. "She's.. fine. She moved into an apartment close to downtown." I answer.

"Aw that's nice. That big step of  independency."

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