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I checked my surroundings then stepped up to the building, pulling the glass door towards me to open. I continued into the gym, looking around at all the different faces.

I adjusted my headphones from around my neck to on top of my head. I plugged the loose cord end into my phone quickly. I stretched only for a moment to keep from pulling anything during my workout.

Music begin to flow into my eardrums as I sat down to lift weights. I pushed the handle outward, hearing the weights clap down everytime I released. I had to keep busy and something else on my mind just so I wouldn't let myself go to waste.

I glanced to the side not expecting to see anyone as I pushed the handle out continually but then I saw Evi. She had her hair in a ponytail as she wiped sweat with her towel. I looked over her choice of  clothing.

I flexed my jaw and faced back forward, thinking whether to talk to her or not. I moved my headphones back down to my neck and looked back her way. Now, stood some nigga in front her trying to talk to her.

She looked uninterested as she leaned face into her arm, sneezing. She sniffled and I read her lips saying I got to go. He didn't move only grabbed her hand. I stood up, passing a couple of people in the pathway and got to them.

I pushed him towards the wall and warned him saying, "get out her face." I heard Evi sigh and she rubbed her forehead. His eyebrows scrunched together as he looked at me.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm her boyfriend. Who the fuck are you?" I spat. He laughed and looked at Evi, licking his lips.

"She don't have a ring though."

"I'll put a ring around yo eye." I stepped up forward towards him, glaring at him. He scoffed.

I was about to punch him in his scoffing, ugly face until I heard the gym doors open. I looked back and saw Evi left. I grabbed my stuff quickly—leaving that nigga behind and rushed out to talk to her.

I saw her walking in the parking lot, seeing her car towards the middle. "Evi!" I called but she kept walking. I started to run as she was at her car and opened the door. I came up to her just in time to close it before she got in.

I grabbed her hand so she would turn to face me. "Evi, just hear me out." I pleaded as she pulled the hem of her shirt over her nose and sneezed with a cough following.

"Jue, I really don't want to talk right now." She said hoarsely, looking at me with sadden eyes. I frowned softly and looked over her face.

"I'm sorry. I'm willing to tell you everything if you'd hear me." I got up closer to her face, grabbing her waist.
She pressed her hand against my chest so I grabbed both of her hands instead.

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