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I yanked my leather jacket through my arms and up over my shoulders to complete my outfit. Pulling my ponytail from out my clothes, I grabbed my small handbag and exited my room.

It was good to be back after four years. It seemed as though time had flew by. I trotted down the steps of the staircase, landing on the main level floor.

"Evi would you like some breakfast?" Ivy asked me with a smile.

"Evi would you like some breakfast?" Auna repeated the best she could, erupting into giggles. I chuckled and shook my head.

"No thanks, I'm actually meeting a friend for breakfast." I replied and fingered Auna underneath her armpits. "And what are you talking about little lady!" I cooed, tickling her.

Her dimples deepened as she threw her head back with bubbles of spit rising to the corners of her mouth from her laughing. I laughed at the sight of her and stopped my teasing.

"Oh okay. Aye, could you grab another batch of bananas? We ran out and you know how Auna is." She gave me a look with her eyebrow crooked and I nodded.

"Ah, yep. I'll be sure to buy some."

"Bananas!" Auna yelled, raising her hands above her head.

"I have to go get them Auna, okay?" I said. She let her bottom lip hang and nodded slowly. I slipped my shoes on that were beside the door just as my dad walked in.

"Hello! Where you going?" His attention directed to me.

"Breakfast with Trinity." I answered. He nodded.

" oh Alright. Be careful." I answered with an okay and exited to outside once both of my shoes was on.

I walked along the petaled pathway. Soon, I reached my tan colored Ford Fusion car. When receiving a good stream of income, I decided to go the simple route and not just splurge to end up bankrupt. Besides,this car were very appealing to my eye, I wasn't really worried about anyone else's.

Another reason why my former teammates are still playing to pay off luxurious things they've bought while I still have more than plenty of mullah for myself from my career. I clicked my seatbelt on and reversed out of the driveway, motioning down the road.

I couldn't even tell you how long it's been since I've seen Trinity face to face. This was like a reuniting. This would also be the first time of me meeting Cortez, her three year old son.

• • •

"Trin!" I dragged, coming into Shoney's. She laughed briefly, standing to meet me in a hug. We hugged tightly and the time frame really settled in.

"Geez, it's been so long." I groaned, taking a seat across from her. I gasped playfully, covering my mouth as she sat. I looked at Cortez as he looked at me with a smile.

"Hey there!" I spoke. He stood in the seat, reaching over the table and grabbed my hand. I chucked a laugh as I grabbed his in return, rubbing my thumb over his small hand. "Aren't you adorable?" I cooed.

"Say hey to god mommy Evi." Trin encouraged, rubbing his back. He only smiled and blabbered for a second. I grabbed him from over the table, sitting him in my lap as I looked down at him.

He layed against my side as if he's known me forever. He looked up at me with a heart warming smile again, making me blush.

"He's so cute Trin."

"Thanks." She dragged, throwing her hair over her shoulder as we laughed. She seemed to not act as her old self and tried to force it but it could just be maturity.

"How have you been?" I asked, letting Cortez occupy his curiosity with my hand. She leaned her elbows to the table and breathed deeply.

"I've been good. Single mom life is not popping though." She answered. "But, my parents help out a lot so it's not too bad."

"Yeah, how are they?"

"Great. Your dad! Tell me how's it been?"

"Great, great! These past few years has been a lot of catching up. I'm glad to have him back." She nodded slowly.

"Have you talked to your mom?" She asked. I cleared my throat and switched Cortez to my other leg.

"Once. About two years ago on the phone but it wasn't deep talking. Just a brief, what I'm doing eleven minute discussion." I replied.

"Wow, i saw her a while ago. She spoke but it's like she's going down, honestly. You miss her any?" I rocked my head, making a so/so gesture.

"I know eventually we're going to have to talk things out. I don't plan on shutting her out for the rest of my life yunno." She bobbed her head in understanding.

It went silent for a moment as the sounds of plate clacking filled the atmosphere.

"You know what's kind of weird." I giggled, looking down at Cort. "When he smiles, he favors Niko a lot." I continue to chortle and looked up at Trinity. She held her face up with her fist and elbow against the table as she looked away.

"Trin.." I trailed off. She rubbed her forearm, looking at me as it seemed she was embarrassed. It didn't take much for me to put two and two together. "When?"

"That night we all got drunk and we both went back to the hotel. Things happened." She spoke.

"Does he know? Have you seen him?" She nodded.

"Yeah, he knows. I take Cortez to visit him occasionally but I honestly don't even like going in that environment."

"That environment? What you mean?"

"You know he got locked up a few months after Cortez was born. He was in the car when these guys robbed this store and killed the owner." My mouth hung gapped in shock. I shook my head.

"No way."

"Yep. He was going down the wrong path and fast ever since that injury. It never did heal properly, he still walks with a limp."

I shook my head, agreeing. It got quiet once again as I sat there in thought. I smiled down at Cortez as he did really remind me of how Niko used to be. Eventually, we started up another conversation as finally a waitress scrolled up to our table and asked for our orders. We weren't even ready because we didn't even glance at the menus. So, we did all that quickly.

how many of us called it with Niko? 🙋 everyone in the gif as cast. 😍
I got to visit the scene where both Alton and the polices were shot in Baton Rouge this weekend. Such a crazy sad but historical scene to see.
Be sure to feedback beauties which I'm sure you all will because you wuv me.

I got a couple of the next chapters prewritten  so update again tonight  or tomorrow? (:

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