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I took a deep breath and exited Trinity's bedroom with my suitcase in my hand. We haven't spoke nor talk since last night. Last night that wasn't suppose to happen and I felt conflicted, guilty mostly.

She sat there with her back towards me as she ate breakfast and i shook my head, looking off. I rolled the suitcase next to the door and sat beside her, staring her way.

She didn't look at me, just continued to eat and faced forward.

"Trinity la—" she cut me off completely.

"Last night wasn't supposed to happen. I'm not bisexual and I'm taken by Mr. Julian. I feel guilty and i don't want to hurt him. I love him. Blah blah blah." She mimicked, scoffing and shook her head.

I swallowed hard, basically having my words stripped from my tongue."I don't love him yet but I got love for him." I corrected.

She stood up from her stool and walked over to her kitchen, sitting her plate down. "Well you know what Evi, you're leaving anyways. Run off with your perfect life and just don't worry about me." She sent me a fraudulent smile as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Perfect? How is my life in anyway perfect?"

"Men just chase you. You have a basketball career, supportive family and now your relationship back with your mom, no kids, a guy who actually cares about you, you're  beautiful. Everything!" She rolled her eyes.

Before I could respond, she continued. "And what do I have? Regrets! Heart ache! I regret being so stupid and loose younger. Now I actually want to settle down and have a family but no! I can't do that. No one wants to have a loose girl with a baby with a fucking speech disorder. My baby daddy is in jail, don't give a fuck about me but guess who he do. Little miss Evi." She yelled aggressively.

"But Trin, I can't help that. I tried to tell you to stop that years ago but you were stuck in your mindset. My life is not perfect so don't even think that." I retorted.

She chuckled harshly and threw her hands in the air. "Everyone just wants you. Even I did but now, I don't. Guess what bitch, I'm jealous of you. Go back to your fairy tale and leave me the fuck alone." She stormed over to her front door, yanking it open.

I stood up slowly, looking at her in disbelief as I took my suitcase in my hand. "Are you serious Trin? We've been friends for how long and you do this?" I said as I stood out the door.

"Well we're not now. Have a nice life." Was the last she said before she slammed the door in my face. I blinked, looking down. I was hurt but I knew things like this happened with so-called friends.

I wasn't going to beg to be in anyone's life so i turned and walked away, taking out my phone to contact a taxi so I could make my flight on time.


It was Friday and now the end of my shift. I was currently on the phone with Ms. Bates and had gave her, her estimate price to fix her Mercedes G-Wagon. I honestly think it was a good deal, it's the cheapest I could go not only for the factory but for a Mercedes.

"That's pretty reasonable. Thank you so much." She replied afterwards. I finished writing down the last of the information and Redd's name behind it.

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