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"I don't want to do this! Why can't you understand that?" I raised my voice slightly, gesturing my hands forward. I sat in the passenger seat as my mother drove and argued with me.

"Regardless of what you want to do Evi, you do not disrespect me infront of people like you did. Simply unacceptable!" She fussed back, keeping her eyes on the road.

So she was angry because I lashed out at the dress shop, becoming fed up with her shenanigans. Even then she still can't see how unhappy I am with who she's making me into.

"Pfsst just as unacceptable as my life?" I rolled my eyes, leaning back onto the seat and folding my arms.

"Shut up Evi. Your life is nowhere near unacceptable thanks to me. Now if you would've kept listening to your empty-headed father then it would've."

I glared at her, flaring my nostrils as my heart rate sped, knocking against my chest.

"Don't talk about dad! Take it back!" I started yelling, leaning over the armrest. "If anyone's empty headed, its you." I hissed, venom of anger leaking through my voice.

Forgetting but not caring, I opened the door to the moving car and got out. I heard her scream my name as I jogged up to the door.

Having the key hanging around my neck, I unlocked the door and went upstairs. Not without slamming the front door first.

I now leaned against my bedroom door, taking in a deep inhale of air. Forcing my eyes closed tightly, I rejected the tears that welled up.

I grabbed my phone with a pair of headphones looking at my basketball then trailing to the backyard. I could hear my mom shuffling with her key at the front door.

Once sitting in one of the patio's chairs, her voice boomed through the house calling my name. I shoved my headphones on my head and the plug into my phone, playing music to clear my head and drown her out.

I noticed a message from Niko, but I honestly didn't feel like being bothered. Hopefully, he would call Trinity for any help he needed.

•    °     •     °


"I don't have to time to wait for her." I scoffed, pushing myself up from the recliner. Niko's been waiting for nearly two hours for a response from this Evi and she still has yet to reply.

Snatching my keys from my pocket, I gave him a simple goodbye shake.

"She's a late responder. Sometimes don't respond at all, she'll just show up."

"Either way, I don't have time. I have a flight to catch in two hours." I sighed internally. Trouble awaits if I don't meet her, though.

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