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Annie. (Evi's mother)


"Evi!" I scurried through the house for the fifth time, trying to win this game of hide and seek she was playing.

Of course, it wasn't a game.

My eyes welled up with tears as I couldn't locate her anywhere. I've tried calling both Trinity and Denise but neither picked up.

I sat on the top step of the stairs, putting my face in my hands. The tears flowed like a stream down mountain rocks. I couldn't stop them.

Have I pushed her too far?, I asked myself. I've always only wanted the best for her. Am I becoming like the mother of my own?

I whimpered through my cries of heartbreak and agony, burying my face in the crease of my arm.

I moved around on the step as I felt as though I was sitting on something. I heard the sound of a rattle. I reached underneath me, pulling out a sheet of folded paper.

Unraveling it, I saw the bold, pen print words on it in Evi's handwriting. My heart sunk into my chest as I read over the words.

Dear Annie,

I would call you mom but.. you're just not that anymore. I wasn't happy. I had to leave. I've graduated and I'm grown now. I have to go out and live my own life, not the life you want me to live. I love you mom, i really do. I'm sorry it has to be this way but I couldn't take it anymore. I'm going to pursue what I love to do with of the person who loved me for it and not be stopped anymore. I'm going to be alright though, so don't worry about me. Don't come look for me and bring me back, please. I would hate to have to call the police on my own mother. I hope you will be okay and find something that makes you happy.

- Evi

Tucking my hair behind my ears, I faced upward and motion a shake to my head. I couldn't believe this. My baby girl was grown and gone. It was nothing I could do to stop her.

Regrets filled my heart as it became heavy, just like the day of the divorce. My orbs leaked tears as my biggest fear was coming into action; being alone.



I was still stationed in the same position as earlier. Over the hours, I could hear the TV volume up, playful commotion and also the alerting sound of the smoke alarm going off.

I peered out the window, noticing the sun setting in the distance. It was still early here in Illinois considering Toronto is an hour ahead.

I let out a soft sigh just as a faint knock was sounded against Jue's bedroom door. It opened slowly and Amir came visible to me with a plate in his right hand.

"Hey." He greeted softly, stepping in. I closed my laptop, pausing the job search as I gave him a smile.

I replied, "hey," in the same tone.

"You've been in here all day, I'm sure you're hungry." I nodded, remembering the last thing I ate was my leftovers in the cab early this morning on the way here.

"I'm actually starving. What you been in there preparing?" I asked. I placed my laptop on my side on the bed as he sat the plate down in my lap.

My eyes slightly budged as my mouth watered just at the sight. I could tell he was a great cook, but then again it could look great and taste horrible. We'll see momentarily.

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