2) 26.

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Evi had bought an apartment and here I was standing outside of it. She wasn't talking to me but why. I felt a strong pain shoot through the temple of my head—a headache. I could barely think straight.

I saw her walk out her building towards her car that was only a few steps in front of her. I wanted to say something. I wanted to get up closer to her but I couldn't. It was like my feet were stoned to the ground.

Then a mask guy bolted from the bushes behind her, snatching her shoulder towards him. I felt my breath get caught in my throat as I watched with no actions. She yelled once seeing him and he pointed a gun to her head.

She quieted down but still pleaded and cried out to him as he pressed the gun into her skin. Wasn't no mercy in his eyes that were seen through the holes of his mask. It was my fault, I thought just as his finger started pulling back on the trigger.

I heard a loud bang and sat up in my bed. I sighed deeply, rubbing my face. I couldn't take this anymore and the fact I just had a dream of Evi possibly being in danger too made it worse.

I looked at the other side of the bed and didn't see Evi. I remembered the loud noise and rushed to get up. I exited my bedroom and went to the main part of my apartment. I stopped at the corner and looked in the kitchen, breathing in relief.

Evi had one of her gowns on, fumbling around with pans as she was making breakfast. I'm guessing she had dropped the pot by accident. I went up behind her slowly and wrapped my arms around her waist.

She trembled slightly from being startled and I laid my head on her shoulder. "Hey." She sung while I hugged her tightly from behind. I exhaled softly and closed my eyes, glad she was okay.

"Good morning." She spoke again. She turned her head slightly towards me so I propped my chin on her shoulder to face her in return. She smiled. "So rude."

I scoffed and pecked her lips, standing up straight but still behind her. "Good morning Rashaè. What you cooking?"

"Bacon pancakes. Used to cook it all the time back in Toronto." She answered, pressing the uncooked bacon into the shaped pancake batter.

"Yum." I said simply and glided my hands up the sides of her legs. I made it to her hips and felt her bare skin, rubbing small circles in the area. "Where's your panties ma'am?" I smirked.

She shrugged, a smile tugging at her lips as she kept making her breakfast dish. I rubbed her lower stomach, letting my hand fall down lower and caressed her. I started to push her over slowly so she would bend.

"No sir, we both have work and neither one of us need to be late." She bumped me back with her butt and I chuckled. I moved my hands and pulled her gown down.

"I set up an appointment for my gynecologist next week. I think I'm going to go with the pills for now." She said and i bobbed my head in a nod.

I say, "Alright, it's all up to you mama."

She turned around towards the stove and sat the pan on top of the lit grate. I trailed back to my room to get my shower in and get dressed. As I was gathering some clothes, I heard Evi silly ass start playing a theme song to her bacon pancakes as she cooked.

I laughed under my breath and went into my bathroom, realizing it was a little New York remix in it. It was pretty catchy, I caught myself doing a bop to it.

Approximately thirty minutes later, I was clean and dressed. I did the laces to my Cat working boots and stood up once I had both feet done. I pulled my arms through my vest as I went been into the kitchen.

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