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K so wp tripping on apple users cause I can't see pictures on my iPad but can on my phone (android) so 😂 I put last chapter's messagesfor y'all. If you still can't see it then lord I can't help ya, you gonna have to contact wattpad Lmao.



"I'm batman!" I grabbed Tevon by his cape before he could run off and pulled him back to me. I kneeled to his level.

"Listen here. You're not batman today because if I look around seeing you in a gorilla pit, you're staying in there. Hear me?" I told him. He nodded quickly.

So I took Evi up on her offer because extra time together wasn't a crime, I was curious to see how she did with kids and I know Tevon be cooped up most of the time so this should be fun for him just as well the others kids. I wanted to meet Cortez too.

"Julian!" I heard Evi's voice call. I stood up and held Tevon's head as we turned around. She parked the stroller next to us and gave me a hug as she held a little boy.

"No way! Is this Tevon?" She  gasped, bending down to speak to him. 

"Hi!" He responded and she grinned wide.

"I remember when you was his size." She continued on, pointing to the little boy who I figured was Cortez.

She stood straight up. "Alright so this is Cortez and.." She pulled the shield back on the stroller, revealing a little chocolate drop girl with the deepest dimples. "This is Auna."

"What's up Cortez and hey Auna." I crooned. Cortez smiles while his mouth gapped open as if he wanted to say something but didn't. I bent down to Auna, pinching her nose playfully.

Her face begin to churn as she begin to sob. I stepped away quickly so she would calm down and not cause a scene.

"She must not too much of a people's person?" I queried. Evi shook her head no.

"She's actually really friendly with everyone." She informed. "I guess except you."

I breathed a scoff. I adverted my attention around the perimeter of the zoo, nodding in disbelief.

"Nothing's changed. Especially not the smell." I murmured, screwing my face in disgust. Evi cackled. 

"I've never been to this one so I wouldn't know." She slightly hissed as she pulled Cortez farther up on her hip.

I turned around quickly, seeing Tevon right beside me and looking off in the distance. I took a breath of relief cause I really didn't want to go through what I did a couple months ago.

"He can't walk?" I interrogated as we started walking down the sidewalk. I held Tevon's wrist as she pushed the stroller while carrying Cortez.

"I'm sure he can but I'm not trying to lose them so I'd rather hold him." She admitted.

"Okay." I dragged, raising my brows. He'd have to walk with me. I begin to have to tug Tevon so i stopped to look at what he was doing.

He seemed to be fascinated with the giraffes. I advised Evi I was going to let him get a closer look and she came back. Tevon stepped quicker in front of me as we got closer.

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