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Inhale, exhale. Now connect your left heel to your right thigh, spin your ankle then lift your arm. It's like a funky side plank.

"Evi, why the hell are we doing yoga?" I groaned, trying to balance as she did it with ease. She laughed to a small degree as she looked at me beyond her raised arm. 

"I'm trying to maintain my flexibility."

"Um, but why do I have to get dragged into it?" I asked again as more instructions was called from the screen.

Inhale, come back to center. Three legged dog.

"Because you love me and will do it." I scoffed. I wasn't even about to disagree even though I don't feel like I love her yet. I do have love for her, though. I'd say it's a difference.

"I'm not doing this." I stood up straight, hearing multiple pops from my back.

"Should've eased up slow." Evi crooned and went into a different position —downward facing dog what the teacher called it.

I licked over my lips and got up close behind her. "Jue move!" She squealed with a giggle. She bent her knees in another formation so I started to massage her ass roughly.

"Julian Devon, back up and let me stretch." I sucked my teeth. I picked her up and turned her facing me as she shook her head.

"I'm trying to stretch something else." I pressed my lips against her neck and turned towards the couch that was behind us. I laid her down at the same moment I climbed on top of her.

I latched my fingers around her underwear and leggings as she kept trying to talk me out of it. I sucked the skin of her neck gently, lifting her legs to remove her garments completely—then her T-shirt.

"You never listen." She sighed softly. I kisses her lips, shutting her up. After placing her feet upon my shoulders, I pushed my shorts and boxers down off my hips.

"See. This is the get dick stretch. Inhale, exhale." I jested, biting the corners of her lips. Her throaty laughed vibrated against my lips. Evi's arms wrapped around my neck slowly and she looked down in my face, pecking my lips repeatedly.

I placed my hand beside her on the couch to balance myself while I lined my dick up with her entrance. I glissaded into her, hearing her inhale as I did. I palmed both of my hands down next to her now and deeper in I went.

I rested my face against her shoulder, easing my eyes closed and took a light breath. She exhaled and rubbed the nape of my hair as I stayed there with no movement, just enjoying the feeling of her cramped walls around my shaft. I could feel her tighten up and clench her muscles ever so often.

I moved her legs to around my torso, scooting up closer to her pelvis as I fell deeper. "Jue please." She breathed. I gripped the armrest of the sofa and rose my upper body from hers and begin my movement.

I plundered her and the good feeling could be read all over her face. She bit down on her lip with her eyes shut tightly as her breasts swayed wildly. I pinched at her nipple and her hand trailed down my body, landing to the side of my hip.

I accelerated my ransacking and glided my hand up her chest, gripping her neck. Her loud moans trembled against my palm.  I turned her neck to the side as sunk my teeth in the opposite side. I groaned and felt her fingers dig into my back.

I left a trail of tongue kisses down her neck and bit into her collarbone. I felt myself hitting a new spot as her soaked wetness made it easy to slide to. She seemed to notice the new spot as well as she nailed my back up to my neck quickly and gasped.

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