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I chewed my scrambled eggs slowly, watching the weather forecast. Well, I wasn't paying much attention to the weather, more so the Spanish chicka with a donk to the side of the green  screen.

I drunk from my glass of orange juice. My phone rung as I did and I directed my attention down to the table. I saw my friend and workmate Redd calling.

I picked up and slid the answer icon, putting it up to my ear. "What's up?"

"What's happening man. Yo, can you come look at this little lady's engine?"

"What's the problem?" I asked, taking a bite out of my crisp bacon.

"She keep claiming she's been hearing some rattling noise while driving. I checked it, I didn't notice anything but I wanted a second opinion. You know I don't trust these knuckle heads thinking." I scoffed a laugh.

I looked at the time on my phone then pressed the phone back to my ear. "Yeah, I'll swing by. Give me about thirty." I said.

"Aight, hurry before this old lady nag me." He mumbled. I shook my head.

"Coming." I said then hung up. I stood up, shoving my food in my mouth and taking my shirt off my shoulder. I pulled it down over my head, brushing it downward.

I tied up some timberlands –they were the only ones by the door at the time – and pulled my chain out from inside my shirt. I sighed soothingly.

I grabbed the keys to my bmw with my other travel items in my opposite hand and opened my apartment door, facing Lori. I shook my head, brushing past her.

"Jue please."

"No Lori."

"Just tell me what I did wrong."

"You didn't do anything wrong. We're just not compatible." I replied, pressing the down button on the elevator. She looked down with a pout, her usual spoiled gesture then looked back up at me.

"So what are we?"

"We are farmers. Dun dun dun–" I bursted into laughter climbing on the elevator as she joined me. I shook my head, still laughing. "Seriously, we're nothing."

She leaned against the wall and batted her eyes. She wiped her face with the back of her hand and I adjusted my watch on my wrist.

"I'm sorry, Jue. I just really liked you." She cried, walking quickly off the elevator. I got off, going the opposite way to the parking garage. It was too much of a routine with her. It wasn't her first time doing that exact same reaction.

She was just a clingy crybaby who wasn't used to word no. I didn't have any problems with her besides the fact we wasn't meant cause she acted like a child to be her age.  I wanted a mature woman if I was gonna put effort and time in someone.

Once I had it unlocked, I climbed into my car and revived the ignition. I shut the door behind me as the radio automatically came on, blaring through my speakers.

•      •       •


Once Trinity and I finished breakfast, she had to drop off Cortez so she could go to work. I offered to watch over him but she suggested maybe another time since she had already paid his daycare fee.

I had picked up Auna's bananas and few things for myself. I decided to stop by a Tire & Service shop to get an oil change.

I sat in my seat, patiently waiting my turn. I played with my fingers on my right hand.  I leaned back in the seat. The door jingled as a guy walked in.

The watch on his wrist and chain around his neck shined. He walked up to the counter, greeting the guy behind it. He grabbed his wallet from his slightly sagged jeans.

"What's up Jue. What you need?" I heard the guy behind the counter say. Jue. I related the name in my head as i looked back at the car he came in. It glossed underneath the sun's glare.

"Jue!?"  I yelled. He turned with his brows furrowed. He looked at me, up and down then back to my face. He turned back to the counter, chuckling as he stuffed his wallet back in his pocket.

He walked over with a side smile. "ELaw." I playfully rolled my eyes as I stood and wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

"Been a minute." He said once we pulled back, looking down over me. "Look at you miss championship."

I laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Look at you Mr. BMW." He looked away with a smile and nudged my side. "For real, how you been?" I asked. He pushed his hands in his pockets.

"I've been great actually. Yourself?"

"Same. Never better really." I agreed. He nodded.

"What you doing here? Shouldn't you be overseas dribbling a ball somewhere?" He asked, jokingly.

"No, I needed a break yunno." I put my hands in my back pocket. He nodded.

"Yeah I get it."

"Aye Jue, here's that part for ya." The counter guy spoke up. Jue looked back at him.

"Alright." He said before facing me again. "We should catch up some more. Your number still the same?" He asked, pulling his phone out.

I shook my head. "No, I changed it a while back."

"Yeah, I did too." I got my phone out as we exchanged new numbers. I sat back down as he grabbed the bag that held the item he came for.

He started walking towards the door, looking over towards me. "Aye E, we need to get to together. You got some plans tonight?" He asked.

We were talking as if it wasn't other people here that filled the building.
I looked around at some of their faces then shook my head at his question.

"No, I'm free."

"I'll shoot you a text and maybe we could get together."

"Alright." He nodded, pressing his phone to his ear as it begun ringing. He pushed the door open, stepping out.

I looked up and saw the guy who did my oil change come out with my keys. I stood up to grab them and pay.

prepare y'all selves. 😙 Feedback!
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— Dia

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