2) 14.

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Two months and half later


I tucked my lips and ran up behind him, jumping on his back. He looked up and took a deep breath. He shook his head.

"Evi I told you about that shit. This is Chicago." Jue said, shutting his car's door and turning around. I chuckled, getting off his back and faced him.

So it was  approximately our fourth date night and I bought us tickets to see a comedian by the name of Sinbad. Jue didn't know yet so I reached in the back of my pocket and handed him his ticket.

He looked down at it, turning it the right way around and read it. "Ahhh, nice." He nodded as I rubbed his chin hairs.

"You too scuffy boy." He licked over his lips, taking his attention from the tickets back to me. He grabbed my face roughly, pressing our lips together.

"You like it." He mumbled against my lips. I smirked and shrugged.

"I tolerate it."

"Umm." He dragged and put his arm over my shoulder. I hugged his waist as we started walking up to the building. We locked our cars with our keypads at the same moment. I put my keys in my small bag Jue asked  could i put his in there too, making it tight.

We got up to the door and opened it to a line. I shook my head as we stood in one place. I hummed and rubbed down his back, trailing my hand downward. He was scrolling through his phone when I groped his booty.

He jumped, looking up and reached around. He moved my hand and side glared at me. I smiled innocently and laid against his arm before laughing. "Its not fair. You got cake nigga."

The line moved up more and we stepped with it. "Be quiet Rashaè." He groaned, scoffing. I ran my fingers through my crinkles.

"You just love my middle name, don't you Devon?" He smirked.

"Just a little bit. Don't call me that though."

"Then don't call me Rashaè." He sighed dramatically and compromised.

Finally, we showed the guy our tickets and an usher guided us along with another huddle of people to our seats. Jue and I small talked as we sat and faced the stage. I put my arm on the rim of his seat, looking at him as he talked.

He looked over my face and side smiled. He kept talking about what happened today at work before he came to a halt and chuckled. "Why you looking at me like that?"

"Like what? I'm just listening." I stated. He slanted his lips to the side. "Keep talking." I mumbled baby inaudibly because neither one of us have called one another a pet name.

"I'm finished, that's all that happened." He said, crossing his left leg over his right thigh. I felt his hand come between my thighs and squeeze my left one just as opening music begin to play.

"Don't be on games." I whispered. He nodded, indicating he heard me as he looked towards the stage. I faced forward too as Sinbad voice begin to come through the speakers as people begin to cheer.

“Some of you thought I was dead. You tweeted and you texted without even asking nobody. Just passed a lie around the world.”

I chuckled, listening as I rubbed Jue's hand. Before I knew it, a live band begin to play and everyone erupted into cheers again as Jue and I sat there enjoying. 

“ I don't have enough money to pay for the whole song. That's a very expensive song.”

"Oh my god." Jue chuckled, shaking his head.

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