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I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip and shut my eyes tightly. I arched my back off the bed to a small extent while muffling my moans.

My toes curled as I shuffled my feet against my sheets. I gapped my mouth open and let a gaspy moan escape. I divided my labia lips with my fingers and brushed quickly against my slit while sinking my two fingers knuckle deep inside myself.

The voices and stirring noises traveled through the earphone plugged in my ear and sent chills through my body. As their yells got louder, I sped my pace and soon my body quaked with an orgasm.

I turned over on my stomach, lifting one of my legs as my body kept shivering. I evened my breathing as I slid my fingers out from deep within me. I snatched the earphone out my ear and laid my face in my pillow.

Two weeks had past now and I groaned at my frustration. I flipped back over on my back and stared at the ceiling. I needed fresh air, maybe a walk but first a shower to rid this sticky feeling.

I exited out the page on my phone of the porno and threw my feet to the side. I rose from my bed and felt leakage running down my thigh. I threw my head back and rushed to the restroom.

I jogged down the staircase quickly as I was now dressed. I didn't see anyone but Ivy as she watched Property Brothers -wrecking a house now but it'll be beautiful afterwards.

I sat to the far end of couch from her and rubbed my arm slowly. She ate her bowl of ice cream and glanced over at me. She reached for the remote and paused the TV, saying "hey."

"Hey." I spoke back. "Where is everyone?"

"Your dad went to Whole Foods for something to cook later and Reed wanting to do something with her niece, so she say and took Auna out. Just you and me." She sniggered, unpausing the television.

"Oh okay." I nodded and felt the urge to ask a question. "Can I ask you something?"

"Oo!" She squealed making me furrow my brows. She paused the tv and sat her bowl down, coming closer to me. "I've been waiting on this. Even though you're grown and know your mom, I still want to have that step mom step daughter connection. No pressure." She said quickly and grinned.

I chuckled awkwardly, looking at her with me eyebrows still scrunched. "Okay." I dragged and she laughed. She sat back, cleared her throat and got herself together.

"Alright, I'm calm. Ask away."

"Okay." I started and pulled my feet up on the couch. "If you've known a guy a little while but don't talk for years then reconnect and now might want to be more than friends. At the same time you're skeptical because it may only be lust in the moment so you wait to think. Two weeks later and you're still confused like what would you do?" I tried my best to explain.

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