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We were already seated and had already ordered our drinks many moments ago. We conversed and laughed together as we sipped from our drinks.

My mom's attitude was so different tonight, I almost felt bad for what I was doing. It'll be back Evi, it's only for a night, I thought to myself. I'm right. She'll be back to strict, annoying mom tomorrow morning.

The flirty waiter came back to our table, first looking at Trin and I as he did all night then our moms.

"I see we're having a good time. Is everyone ready to order?" He asked politely.

He made his way around the table as everyone ordered what their taste buds desired at the moment. He soon slowly footed up to me and stared.

"What about you sweetheart?" I cleared my throat and crossed my legs instinctively as I glanced at Trinity who drunk from her glass, looking up at him over the rim.

"The Sesame chicken and lobster salad will be great, thanks." I ordered with a slight smile, handing him the menu after doing so.

After writing it down swiftly, he took the menu with the words of "my pleasure" followed by, "I'll have these right out for you beautiful ladies."

"Such a charmer, right?" Trin's mom, Denise, said with much humor. We chuckled slightly.

"Yeah but too bad this has to be his job at such a young age. He could have the potential of an entrepreneur." I churned my face as my mom spoke with ignorance.

"Aw stop it! He's young, he has time for bigger and better things."

"Besides, maybe his family owns the restaurant and gave him a summer job." Both Trin and Denise inquired to my mom. I remained quiet.

"That's.. true." She muttered, now rumbling through her purse.

About thirty minutes had passed when our food finally came out. There was another waiter and a waitress to help with the plates as our assigned one handed me and Trin ours.

"Here you go ladies." He spoke throaty as he put them down in front of us. I was about to readjust it in front of me when he grabbed my wrist gently and said, "Careful that plate is pipping."

I chuckled and nodded as he adjusted it for me. Him and his posse then left our table.

I felt my phone vibrate in my clutch just as I took my first bite. I savored the delicious flavor –this was one of my favorite dishes from here –and dug for my phone. I found it through my other items and looked at the I.d. noticing Jue's unsaved number popped up.

Declining it, I sat it in my lap. Trin glanced at me and kept eating as we were among silence but our moms kept in conversation.

"Who is that?" She whispered but in a loud tone for me to hear. I kept eating, getting as much in as I could as predictably my phone started ringing again.

"Come to the bathroom with me." I whispered as I stood from my seat. "We're uh going to the bathroom."

"Okay! Don't be long, don't want your food to get cold." Denise said as they brushed us off, going back to their conversation.

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