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"Mm Amir." His mouth was glued to my neck, leaving nothing but bites.

My hands dragged along his bare back, tracing his spine. My lips gapped apart as he found my sensitive, sweet spot. I sunk my teeth into my lower lip, muffling the moans that slipped through.

That seemed to be his motivation as he climbed off of me for a mere moment. His hands took a hold of the buckle of his belt, undoing it.

He had my full attention as I watched him intently and repeated the action of lifting my bra straps from my shoulders.

He lowered his pants along with his briefs down to his ankles. I swallowed quietly as my head only filled with Jue's words.
I looked back into his eyes as he stared into mine.

"Maybe another time?"

I rose up from the couch and held the side of my head. I sighed from the dream I just encountered, obviously Jue's rude words from earlier influencing it.

Speaking of him, the obnoxious but subtle knocks coming from his room continued. It was pretty evident that he had got his company he planned for.

I'm sure I was the only one hearing it though, since I was closer than the others. They were on the opposite side of the house with their doors shut!

I groaned, unable to sleep peacefully. I viewed the time and pressed the pillow on my face; 3:00 in the morning.

As if on cue, a couple minutes later his bedroom door creaked open as he looked around first. He didn't even notice me looking directly his way.

He pulled a lighter complexion chick from his room as her hair and clothes were a wreck. She only giggled as he did, wrapping her arms around his neck.

I rolled my eyes and turned away. Such an airhead, don't even know she's being used.

Her small laughter continued as Jue then spoke. "You gotta go." He whispered, loud enough for her to comprehend.

"But why?" I sensed the disappointment in her voice. "I'll suck you off again. I just don't wanna go yet, let's lay up."

Yuck, can you say pathetic. I cringed at this sad excuse of a female, like have some self respect. Maybe, I was being too feminist.

"You gotta whole nigga for that. I don't lay up, I'll just call you later. Alright?"

And she has a boyfriend!? I couldn't compose my low scoff, immediately hoping they didn't notice.

"Okay, okay." I peeped around and saw a pout form over her lips. She leaned to kiss him but he faked a cough as she kissed his cheek. "You know I'll drop him for you, right? C'mon Jue."

She's really annoying right now.
I'm already frustrated from lack of sleep. I bit my tongue not to tell her to please leave myself.

"You're in love, no need for all that." He pushes her gently towards the door as she's holding onto his wrist.

After more moments of trying to compromise, he finally got her behind to leave! He took a breath of relief and looked towards me. I looked back at him and realized he  couldn't tell my eyes were opened and went back into his room.

I heard the shower start to run so I stood from the couch and walked over to the door of Amir, knocking softly. I waited for a moment and entered anyways. He was in deep slumber between his sheets, laying with his back turned towards me.

"Hey Amir." I whispered, slight awkwardness coming over me from remembrance of my dream.

I crawled over the bed towards him and i sat on my knees once I was beside him. I called his name one more time and it just so happened to wake him.

He turned my way, breathing heavily from waking. He looked at me, furrowing his brows. "Hey, you okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I couldn't really sleep well." I said in an uncertain tone but I guess he could hint what I meant. He chuckled lowly.

"Julian, huh?"

"Is that like a normal thing?" He nodded. "That's disgusting."

"Welp, you learn how to sleep through like I have. He's lucky mom doesn't hear or she'll be on that ass." He turned to his side , leaning his head against his palm. His arm was propped up and his other hand rubbed against my exposed thigh.

We just looked at each other for the couple of moments while he continued his gentle motion.

"Well you seem pretty wide awake so I'll stay up with you." He pulled himself up against the headboard from under the covers. He revealed he was only in briefs that hung low, exposing his deep V-Line.

The dream came flooding in again as I faced the floor and breathed correctly. Stop thinking that Evi, forget what Jue said. Besides, take this slow. At least til he's legal, right?

"E!" I looked back in his face, just now noticing he had been calling my name.


"I said, the stars are out." His finger held his window blinds forward.

"Oh. really? Let's see." I sat in the chair on the other side of the window as he pulled the strings that lifted the blinds. It was a sky full of stars.

I veered my attention off the skies and took a glimpse at Amir. He stared up at them, the moonlight gleaming off his chest.

"Are you a virgin?"

"What?" He faced me and I turned back to the stars. I cleared my throat.

"I mean.. I didn't mean to just-.."

"Well.. Yeah." It was silence as he only chucked out a short laugh. "Why?"

"I don't even know why I asked. It just came to mind." I leaned my head against the wall, eyeing him.

He nodded, looking down and pulled his briefs up slightly then faced the window again. "Are you?"

"No. I lost it after prom and kind of wish I would've held onto it longer." I muttered, answering his following question.

"That's why I'm taking it slow. I might be a guy, but I still don't want to regret it."

"You're really sweet and a one-of-a-kind guy, you know that right? More males should be like you. Your brother for instance."

"Yeah." A smile pinched at the corner of his mouth but fell. "Girls don't go for my type often though. Guess that's why I'm single."

"Yeah. Girls don't, women do. I promise, women love guys like you and will snatch you up in a heartbeat." I said, rising from my chair and hugging around his neck. "Like me."

He smirked deeply as I kissed both sides of his cheeks. "Goodnight Amir." He hugged around my waist as his hands brushed against my butt.

"Night Evi." I didn't address his slickness. I left and returned to the couch, trying to get some shut eye this time around.

Much didn't happen later on that day and really the few days into the week. We sat down for breakfast together, all four of us, and everyone went their separate ways to work. Amir and Jue exchanged a few words as he drove us the days but it was still tension.

→ 😊 Another update soon.

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