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Hey loves, Just wanted to briefly thank you all for all your support on this book so far. It's appreciate so much and I'm noticing each and every one of you. 😩🌟 I hope I can continue to feed you all's interest with this book! Enjoy chapter 7 with inline feedback!


Jue .

I drove up next to the convenient store, stopping the car and getting out. I walked around my 1990 cadillac deville.

"Aye sir, you can't park here."

I scoffed, continuing up to the store as I responded, "i know that's why I didn't put it in park, i put it in neutral bitch."

I pushed the glass doors to open as he muttered damn from outside. Scanning the aisles, I looked for a quick snack.

Toronto was nice, but I was ready to get back to my city Chicago. Unfortunately, I now had unfinished business here and I also had to check in on Niko.

Grabbing a small bag of takis and mountain dew, I trailed back towards the register, viewing out through the dingy windows as I did.

I sat the items down and rumbled through my pockets as the ding sounded off the cashier ringing it up.

Pressing out the wrinkles in my dollars, I sat it on the counter as she told me my price. I shoved my hands into my pockets, waiting as she filled the bags and handed my change back.

I took both in opposite hands, turning towards the door to exit but was interrupted. The bells jingled on the door as a gang of guys walked in, ones I knew.

"Lil man Jue." Sighing, I turned my face towards the left as he came and stood in front of me.

"What you doing all the way in Toronto?" I faced Will as a unlit joint lingered on the edge of his lips. Tightening my jaw, I switched over my bag in my other hand.

"Party." I answered shortly. A chuckle passed his teeth as he gestured a nod.

"That Young nigga? Wasn't your big bro there?"

"Mhm him but no. T haven't been around in a while." I said, truthfully, rubbing the nape of my neck. Will removed the blunt from his lips, holding it between his fingers.

"Well.. when you see 'em, tell him Big Will looking for ' em." He continued his route into the store as I exited, letting out a deep breath.

It was no doubt in my mind that they were the cause of last week's shooting. My brother was in some real life threatening trouble and he put me in the middle of it. I had to find that brown skin chick, quick.

•    •    • 


Niko had his arm wrapped around my shoulder as I guided him to his couch.

"Easy there." I spoke as he sat cautiously. A saddened, annoyed expression still decorated his face as it did all week. I placed his crutches beside him.

I decided to help him out and try to enlighten the basketball issue. Was it helping? Not really but I did minor things for him while his mother was working.

It just so happened my schedule had tightened even more for the week with the recital and graduation plans. Not to mention my mom taking it upon herself to enter me into a beauty pageant maybe two days before graduation.

I was gravitating to being overwhelmed but I held my own. I breathed out, placing my hands on to my hips that was still clothed with my baby blue tutu dancewear.


"No thanks Evi." He uttered, leaning against the back of the couch. He stared off at the black screened TV.

I handed him the remote then elevated his leg on a stack of pillows. I pinched his cheek playfully.

"I know you're hungry Nik. Trin's bringing some Canoe's after her shift." I said, a long silent pause came right after.

"That was my way to better things. Prove my dad wrong. Help my momma out Evi. I hate seeing her work like she do and I go and get injured, stressing her out more!" He spat, randomly.

Though honestly, it wasn't random. I've heard him mutter those words all week but this was the first time of him saying them aloud. I knew he was hurt, I was hurt for him but things happen and it'll play out in the end I know.

"Now I can't even help out around the house. I can barely help my damn self!" He yelled in anger, throwing the remote into the wall causing it to shatter.

I took a seat beside him, pulling him towards my chest into a hug. I held his neck tightly as his arms slowly wrapped around my waist. I hummed, allowing him time to calm down.

Slowly, I felt his once racing heartbeat slow to a normal rate and that's when I pulled his face up. I looked at him and smiled.

"It's not over Niko. The future got something for you. Rather you bounce back from this, be a  basketball instructor or maybe even have a child that'll be the biggest ball player the world's seen.." I started as he looked off.

"Or even me going into the NBA. Don't get so down on yourself because things will get better." I finished. A smirk tugged at the ends of his lips before he chuckled.

"Whatever E. I appreciate you though." I nodded, standing to my feet. I grabbed my bag, giving him a quick dap between our fists.

"You know I would've slayed you if we were on opposite teams. Seriously though Niko, cheer up." I faced him with a serious expression and he nodded in understanding.

"I've got to go before you know who starts drama. Don't forget to take your medication, get some rest and remember Trinity will be over around five thirty."

"I got it mommy Evi." He joked. I smiled, not only from the joke but also because his cheerful spirit just might be resurfacing.

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