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"Evi Lawson."

After reading my diploma out loud, the principle called my name .I felt my heart drop from nervousness, excitement, and eagerness . I stood up from my chair, giving each of my classmates I had to pass a warm smile as I walked up to the stage.

I climbed the stairs on the side, shaking teachers and the principle's hand as he rotated towards my face and handed me my diploma .

I pulled it towards me as I stepped back exchanging bows and slowly closed the diploma. I folded it under my left hand before turning, walking away and bowing to the special guests and returning to my seat .

Couldn't believe I was actually at my high school graduation. I did it , I completed life's number one goal : grade school. Knowing I've accomplished this made me extremely happy. Not only me , but I know it made others happy. I turned around slightly in my seat , viewing Trinity and Niko–with his crutches– smiling and waving at me .

I smiled wide as I waved back slightly before turning back around. I took a deep breath as I played with my fingers  clearing my mind as the principle called out the rest of the graduates . My thoughts were broken right at the moment my best friend name was called , making me erupt into cheering.

"Trinity Hudson!" He called out making me continue to cheer. She walked up there , doing what she needed to with a wide smile before returning to her seat next to me .

We sat there , starting to listen again as the principle gave his last speech followed by the PTA . Afterwards was underclass man speeches and group speeches .

"Time to knock em down." She whispered to me , just as the principle announced  for the student president to come up and provide the speech. I got up, starting to walk back to the stage as my classmates continue to cheer. Some guys over the past 4 years who were clearly thirsty did too, but louder and extra. I heard Niko among them, I shook my head slightly.

I walked upon the stage , exchanging polite smiles to everyone before taking my position behind the podium.

"Friends.  Parents.  Grandparents, relatives, guests, members of the faculty.  Seniors.  It is my honor to be standing in front of you today. Seriously, it is a great honor to be speaking before you all right now.  It sure beats all of those First Wednesday class meetings.”

“—This is a moment that I've been anticipating for a while now.  Writing and presenting a graduation speech is one of those hidden duties of a senior class president.  That and organizing class reunions for forever, so I apologize for the next 50 years of inbox messages you're going to be getting from me. " they laughed lightly at my small jokes .

" My friends have been asking about this speech for a while, though.  I've been getting all of the questions. What are you going to talk about?  Have you started yet?  Will it be funny?  Wait, you still haven't started yet?  Is it going to be serious?  Graduation's tomorrow, why haven't you started it yet?”

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