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Days later after the visit, I was moving into the brick house in Springfield.

"So nice to be back!" Reed yelled, walking up the steps with her boxes. I smiled, walking slowly behind her.

I looked around at the interior of the house, feeling a warmness from it. Reed skipped up the stairs, the wood's clacking noise sounding. I felt a hand come to my back, startling me.

"It's a guest room upstairs on the right." My dad informed me and I nodded. I followed up behind Reed with my bags.

• •

"Let's see what you got." My dad stood in front of me, bending down slightly. I grinned hard and shook my head, dribbling the ball to the side of me.

I couldn't help but notice the basketball goal once we pulled into the driveway and I couldn't wait to get out there. It was just like old times as my dad joined me.

I faked towards the left before heading right but he stayed on me with blocking.

"Wow there dad, pretty fast." I dribbled behind my back, joking with him. He pointed at me with a side grin.

"Aye now, don't forget who taught you." He said before reaching up to grab the ball but I moved it quickly to my opposite hand. I turned my back towards him, dribbling away from him.

"And don't you forget who's still in their prime." I laughed.

"Funny, real funny." I stepped back, clutching the ball before shooting towards the net but it ended up to be an airball.

"Well look at that. All that work when you were younger went to waste," he joked. He walked over, getting the ball, and threw it to me.

I grabbed it and threw it back to him to check it and started back dribbling. He raised his arms, guarding once again. "You got this Evi." He whispered.

I looked into his eyes as I kneeled in my dribble then shot it above his head. The ball rolled around the rim then into the net. He raised his hand, giving me a high five. "That's my girl. Let's play horse." He suggested.

"Let's do it."

We joked around and talked some more as we engaged in the game. It was H to HO as of now and he was in the lead. As I made my O shot finally, we suggested maybe having Niko over for dinner since he haven't seen him in so long.

I agreed. It wouldn't be nothing but a phone call to get Niko to agree so while we took our water break, I gave him a call. One the third ring he answered, I told him all what was up and he gladly said he'll be here once I got the address from dad.

My dad and I continued the game and it ended with me winning. "Good game." He said, patting my sweaty shirt as we both breathed heavily. I held the basketball up to the house as he opened the door for me.

"Thanks, you too." I replied, walking inside. We remembered to take our shoes off–one of the house rules I would have to become familiar with.

"How'd it go?" Ivy asked, her strong accent lingering through her tone. I nodded.

"Great, she beat me." My dad ruffled my hair, walking to the kitchen to fetch a bottle of water.

"Sure did." I placed my hand on my hip proudly, leaning my other arm on the basketball that was underneath.

"I told you she would!" Ivy laughed, looking back at Evan. He waved her off, tossing me a bottle of water and i caught it. "You owe me $5."

"You guys really made a bet?" Reed exclaimed, removing one of her earphones. Ivy nodded.

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