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I bit down on the nail of my thumb, letting the tears roll down my face as I looked straight forward. I rolled my finger over the pad of my laptop, clicking on different articles as I look more into the disease.

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Pain areas: in the eyes, lower abdomen, pelvis, testicle, or vagina
Pain circumstances: can occur during sexual intercourse or during urination
Groin: abnormal vaginal discharge, discharge from penis, or vaginal bleeding
Also common: eye discharge or spotting

I put my face into the crease of my arm and sneezed, feeling myself gain goosebumps from it being chilly since I haven't turn the heat on in my apartment as of yet. It had started snowing already and the coolness from my tears wasn't helping. I sat on my packed box, still going through information.

If left untreated, chlamydia can spread and infect other parts of the female reproductive system, in particular the uterus and fallopian tubes, which can result in pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). With one in five women with chlamydia developing PID, chlamydia is the most common cause of infertility in women.

I shut my laptop quickly and sat my elbows on top. I shook my head and sniffled, looking down at my nails as I picked at them. I ran my fingers through my hair slowly, wishing this pounding headache and heartache would all wash away. I didn't know what to believe at the moment. I was more than conflicted.

I felt disgusted, very unclean. I knew it was something up but I would've never thought it'd be this. Now, I regretted not having protected sex. I even thought about my dad and what he said.

Then the infertility. I'm not even sure how long this infection has been in my system so what if I'm affected that severely? I don't want children right now but I did at least one day. That chance could be stripped from me. I knew our sex was oddly painful lately but I thought it was just regular sexual pain.

My phone buzz for the thousandth time from Jue but I didn't answer. I just let it ring. I wiped my face with the back of my arm and reached over to grab my phone.

(30) missed calls, (4) messages is what it read on my lock screen. I unlocked it and went to my messages.

Jue 💙

I didn't cheat I swear! I didn't know

If you'd answer the phone I could  explain . we need to talk about it. . . are you at least okay??

I'm sorry Evi hear me out like I did with you 😕

Please? I really care about you .

I read every message and responded i don't want to talk right now. I wanted to hear him out and discuss it but right now, I couldn't even think straight. It was the last thing I wanted to converse about and be reminded of.

I got up, glancing around my new apartment and sunk my teeth into my bottom lip.

•     •     •


Two days had past since Evi left and I was feeling it. That lonely feeling sunk in deeply–almost separation anxiety. I didn't want to go after her because she obviously wanted space. Not that I didn't care, but I knew she would come around when she's ready.

I hated I hurt her like this and jeopardized her health along with mine. I should've went with my first mind when I thought that entire Bloods situation wasn't a good choice. Now, she thinks I cheated when I didn't. I would have to tell her what's been going on whether I wanted to or not.

I couldn't lose her that easily. This long term was for real and I plan for it to stay that way.

I shook my head, wearing a sadden expression on my face as I looked down at my hands. The waters from the shower ran down my face and body as I've been in here for over thirty minutes already.

I went to the doctor earlier today and he confirmed that I indeed had chlamydia. Thankfully, it was curable so he simply prescribed me some antibiotics and told me the few symptoms I may have if i have any at all. I just hope Evi got a prescription too. He also advised i tell my sexual partners but that's obviously been done.

I cut off the shower and grabbed my towel, stepping out. With all the showering in the world, I still couldn't shake this dirty feeling. I dried off at a decent pace, not in any sort of rush.

I slid on some boxers, done with drying. Then, I heard my phone ring and I turned my head quick. I rushed out the bathroom to my phone and grabbed it. I expected it to be Evi  finally but it was only Amir.

"Hello?" I answered unhappily.

"You on the way to the tuxedo shop right?"

I ran my hand over my semi wet hair, totally forgetting all about that.

"I forgot. I'll be on the way now." I said blankly. Buying a suit and tie was the least of my worries. 

"Aight." He said low so I hung up. If it wasn't who I wanted to talk to, I didn't feel like being on the phone. It's crazy because everyone wants to decide now to call me out the blue—when I'm not in mood for pointless conversation.

I went to my closet to fetch some casual clothes and put them on. I tied up some shoes quickly and went to my fridge. I grabbed a budlight, pulling the end of my shirt over the top and screwed it open. I tilted my head back, chugging a couple of gulps down. I sat it back down in the fridge but then looked at it, pondering over a thought. 

I grabbed it again and decided to take it with me. Knowing it was illegal to have open bottles, I grabbed a paper brown bag to hide it in. I took another swig, grabbed my keys and was soon out to head to the clothing store.

short fillers.

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