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I frowned at my reflection in the mirror as I checked over my outfit

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I frowned at my reflection in the mirror as I checked over my outfit. Everything seemed to flow right, but frowning seemed to be a bad habit.

"Hey babe." I flinched from being startled by Trin's arrival. She has always had this way of sneaky up on me.

"Hey. How'd you get in here?" I asked, knowing it surely wasn't me and my mom was just on her way out to work.

"Ya mom was just leaving. She let me in." She answered, inviting herself to have a seat on the foot of my bed. "Does your mom still think I'm a good girl, planning to be crowned Miss America in that beauty pageant?" Trin asked in a humorous tone.

I nodded in answer causing her to clap slowly along with her distinct laugh. "Wow." She drug out, "we should really tell her that's not the case."

I clutched my jacket off the bed, pulling my arms through."Unless you don't wanna see me again ever, I suggest not."

She scoffed as I pulled my hair from inside the jacket, allowing it to flow onto my back.

"Anyways, I'm ready for this party. Get some ass tonight." She said, rather confidently. I faced her, tilting my head slightly.

"Still hoing, are we?"

"Okay it's not hoing, it's setting fair standards. Guys get ass every other night, they're cool. Girls do it, they're a hoe. It's sexist and unfair so I'm living by fair standards. I'm going to do what I want as much as I want and shouldn't get judged any differently."

I clapped sarcastically, leaning down towards her. "Thank you so much for that motivational speech Trinity." I joked. Slipping my feet into some flats, she stood up picking at her nails.

"Yeah sure, let's go before we're late." She begin walking from my room, her voice trailing the farther she went. I went to my window, cracking it open for a way to get in that'll result into less arguing and assuming altercations with mother. That's if she be off her night shift once I'm heading home.

"Come on sexy!" Trim yelled. Rotating my eyes playfully, I grabbed my belongings. Jogging downstairs, I reach her as she stood at the bottom of them.

"After all this we've been through and you still get fresh with me." I laughed lightly as she smirked. Trin was a very carefree black young women and I admire her confidence in being herself, but when she hit on me the first time a couple years back, I declined immediately.

We had a good friendship going and I did not want to jeopardize that and besides I wasn't into women anyways. I felt her hand come down hard onto my rear as I walked past.

"Kinda. It's friendly." She smiled, walking near me as we stepped outside. I looked up at her slightly as her heels made her stand taller.

The fact that we both were approximately five feet and six inches in height, extra height wasn't needed.

I loved my height, though at times i wished I was taller only to further my basketball skills.

Trin owned her own vehicle so that's where we trailed to. Unlocking the doors with her keypad, we got inside. I, myself, didn't have a car of my own but I was fine with that. I actually enjoyed my exercise from walking to all my destinations.

"You know I read that running improves your sex. Maybe you should stop driving every block." I stated, seriously but including humor.

The engine purred as she crunk it, waving me off nonchalantly.

"Sex with me is amazing, can't improve much more." She replied and couldn't anymore cockiness leak from that statement that had just slipped from her mouth.

I screwed my face at her, definitely not expecting that as a response.

"Well let's get to this party." I changed the subject, that quickly became awkward. I snapped my seatbelt on as she flipped on her high beams, reversing out my driveway.


Walking inside, what Niko had said days before was quite evident.

I watched as females and males grinded against each other, hearing trap music blast throughout the surround-sound speakers, and a stench of musky, feminine odors.

"My god." I said, unknowingly covering my nose. Trin laughed at my reaction as continued to step through the crowd.

" 'Cuse me." Somebody spoke, quickly rushing in front of me with a red solo cup and patron bottle to accompany his other hand.

This was fairly new to me, considering I was viewed as the good girl type. It wasn't because I did not wanna partake in that type of fun, rather it was because of my mom holding me hostage in that house all the time– figuratively speaking.

"So you trying to binge or get laid?" Trin asked aloud over the blaring music.

"Unlike you, I think I'll just have a drink!" I stated with slight humor as she rolled her eyes, playfully but shrugged. She turned to the side, so did I to go to where the drinks were.

" We need to find Niko." I added, glancing over everyone in the crowd of dancers. I didn't spot him, but I could feel the burning sensation of someone staring at me.

I turned back towards the drinks to see Trinity already making us both one. My trailed to the side just as i meet eyes with hazel ones. They were only seen right above the rim of the red cup of his. He never did break his stare so I just turned away.

Those eyes looked  familiar.

"We'll find him eventually. You know he's around here somewhere cutting up." Trin replied to my  statement from earlier, handing me a drink. I looked down inside the cup, back to her.

"Okay, what you just give me?" I interrogated, putting the cup up to my lips but not taking a sip.

"Vodka with cranberry juice. I know you don't care for the hard stuff, but just for tonight." She grinned widely. I took a swig of it, feeling the intense burning sensation tingle down my esophagus.

Of course, she was right. I didn't care for hard liquor, neither light or dark. On another note, it makes me have to urinate a lot.

"Think you'll be fine right here?" I nodded to Trin. She trailed off, probably finding someone to penetrate with tonight.

Taking another swig of my drink, I jigged to the music as the song changed. Niko was always known to throw great parties. I'm glad this one had a good cause behind it : which college he accepted to go to.

As a good friend of his, I was very proud of him. I knew for sure his mom was too. Raising him as a single mother was very hard for her as he told me, but she managed to do it and look at the outcome.

I felt that stare again, in my back feeling like knives entering into my skin. I chose not to turn to look at him this time, continuing to enjoy the music. 

Just as I thought, the feeling of having to use the restroom accompanied me. Finishing off my drink, I trashed the cup and went upstairs to the nearest bathroom.

Excusing myself through the crowd –even on the stairs– I finally got through. I knocked on the door of the bathroom. I didn't hear a response so I hurried inside. Feeling the urge grow quickly, I pulled my jeans down and squatted above the toilet.

I'm not drinking no more, water for me. I rolled my eyes at how such a buzz kill and party pooper I sounded. As I continued my release, I noticed I didn't lock the door.

Muttering " really", I finished up. Once done with everything, I stood to flush then wash my hands. Flipping off the water, I took a paper towel just as the door opened and I was cornered to the sink.

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