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Jue and I were sitting amongst each other, quietly. Chenille gave us a slice a cake for our short journey. We finished eating the slices on the walk over to the train station. We remembered once we were outside that Jue's car was still in the shop.

He hadn't talked about it much but I wouldn't be surprised if he sold it or allowed them to keep it. So now, we sat on the cold, hard seats of the subway and faced forward. My eyes would move towards him for a moment then I would look back down in my own lap.

"You have a job. So when you had to get them drugs back from me, it wasn't for you? You're not a dealer?" I broke the silence and whispered to him to not catch the attention of nosey, easedroppers. He shook his head no.

"No, I'm not. I try to stay away from that as much as possible. Really know nothing about it besides the basic things an average person would know. I did it all for my brother, but as you saw for yourself, it's never enough." He explained in the same whisper tone.

I leaned against the back of the seat, letting it sink in as I shook my head. "Wait, woah. So you held a gun to my head that you didn't even know how to use!?" I whispered a bit louder, furrowing my brows.

He gritted his teeth together, scratching his neck. " I knew how to use it a little."

"A lit—did you know if it was loaded or not?"

"Okay, yes and it wasn't. The point is I didn't shoot you and I wasn't going to. I had to get you shook a bit." He admitted openly.

"You son of a— let me hold a gun to your head to get you shook!" I pushed his shoulder and looked around. I had forgot to lower my voice as a few heads averted our way. I cleared my throat. "I wasn't really scared anyways."

"Um hm." He sniggered. " I apologize for those actions though. Should've never helped him in the first place."

I looked at him and nodded, biting down on my bottom lip. "You're mean. You're a real butt hole sometimes but you're overall caring and a good brother. Besides, you know, when you nearly beat Amir's ass yesterday."

He smiled, covering his mouth with his balled fist as he chuckled. "Yeah? Well thanks garden of Evi, ya not too bad yourself."

"Oh really?"

"Not as annoying as I thought you were going to be. You didn't make it a complete living hell." He added.

"I'm glad." I said lastly and the silence returned. This time, however, the silence was much more comfortable.

The train ride lasted another twenty minutes before it was our stop. We actually could've gotten off sooner and closer to the center but we were in the middle of another conversation.

We stepped off and I looked around at the crowded streets of the city. "This way," I heard Julian's voice say. I turned to follow him and he led the way through the huddles of folks.

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