2) 12.

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→Okay so I've decided to do a side segment of Jue and Evi's messages. Just to add some humor! It's more of a spinoff so what happens in the message does not happen in the story. I think you guys will like it. #1 at the end of this chapter. 😂😊



Fluttering my eyes open, I looked around and stretched out. I felt a chill go down my body. I faced down noticing my comforter was only cover my torso and downward of my bare body.

I furrowed my brows then smiled, remembering last night. I licked my lips and looked around, noticing I was the only one in the bed. I felt around on the other side then got up feeling a stiffness in my thighs as i clothed my bottom half with my boxers and trailed to the bathroom.

From the bathroom to the living room to the kitchen, I was still the only one here. I shook my head and opened my fridge, grabbing the orange juice container and a glass. I poured me some then sat the jug back in the refrigerator and went to my room.

I grabbed my phone, unlocking it and went to Evi's contact.

Damn really

It's not what it looks like I got called into work early this morning

You ain't shit 😕 copy and paste game strong though lmao

I sipped my juice and sat the glass down, shaking my head at that girl. I grabbed some fresh clothes and headed to the bathroom.

• •


Hmm yeah
Slide in that thang
Real deep game this is so good girl what's my name?
Hit it from the back here boy swag
Wanna talk shit? shorty answer right back
I be on her like
Who booty is it? who booty is it?

I sung along as I held my spatula in one hand and the pan handle in the other. I moved my shoulders from side to side before rolling my hips, extending my tongue out.

I turned the stove off and turned around towards my plate with the pan in my hands. "Whew! You scared me dad." I laughed, being startled by him. I flipped the omelet on my plate then sat the used dishes in the sink.

"You're pretty happy." He said, going over to fridge and opened it. I sat on a barstool with my plate and pulled my uniform skirt down a bit. I grabbed my fork and started eating my ham, bell pepper and turkey omelet.

"I'm always happy." I replied with my mouth full then covered my mouth and chewed. He grabbed some fruits to make a smoothie with and nodded.

"You're right. Maybe a bit more happy especially this morning. We know you're not much of a morning person." I shrugged.

"Guess today I am." I spoke, continuing to eat so I could get out of here for work. He started to cut up the fruits and grab his diet powder, adding them all in the blender along with milk.

"You went out last night?" He asked over the loud noise. I nodded, resting my face on my hand as I drunk some apple juice.

"I know you're grown baby girl but could you tell me or someone when you leave? I just be worried. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." He said with a sigh tone and concerned expression.

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