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I shot my head up, feeling an earthquake of a headache. I faced the doorway seeing Chenille and Amir looking in the room. I heard a groan come from beneath me.

"Why are you yelling Moma?" Jue rubbed his forehead then furrowed his brows at the sight of me and widened his eyes. "Evi?"

I scurried off him as we both stood up. I felt embarrassment run through my veins as they both stared.

It wasn't long before all four of us were sitting on the couches, facing each other. Everyone that was here last night was now gone.

"What happened?" Their mom asked. Jue sighed.

"Yeah, what happened?" Amir flexed his jaw, looking mainly at Julian.

"Man shut up!" Jue spat.

"Nah because you kno-.."

"Julian my bottles are nearly empty and there were kids passed out throughout my house. What happened here?" Chenille asked again and more stern.

"I.. invited a few friends over. We decided to play a game and got drunk."

"And between you guys?" She asked. Jue looked at me as I did him.

"Uh.. I really dont remember but nothing happened." He shook his head.

"But you just said you didn't remember. So which is it?"

"Ma we didn't have sex." He said balantly.

"Are you sure?"

"Evi did we have sex?" I looked at him, not even remembering anything after my fifth shot. I shook my head no anyways.

"See. We got drunk and it was a really, really stupid thing to do. I think we might've kissed but that's it moma, I promise." Amir scoffed, getting up.

She nodded and sighed softly. "Okay Jue." He got up and left, heading back to his room.

She patted my shoulder as she got up and trailed to the kitchen.

I sat there alone and leaned back, breathing in slowly. I tried to remember last night but I honestly couldn't especially with this headache pounding. For some reason i could remember the kiss but only subtly and towards the end of it.

We were both still pretty drunk when going to Jue's room but we only kissed more and I left a mark on his neck in return. I then think we only passed out sleep, nothing happened.

I looked into the kitchen and saw their mom occupied with her back turned. I got up quietly and trailed into Jue's room. The door slightly creaked and he looked back at me.

"Can I use your bathroom?" I asked lowly, he nodded. I used his restroom with the door lock and closed. Once I was done and washed my hands, I looked in the mirror. My cocoa complexed skin was covered in a subtle purple, puffy spots on my neck.

I touched it gently and opened the door. Jue was still in his room. "Glad she didn't notice these hickeys." He frowned bewilderedly and touched his own neck.

He came up next to me, glancing into the mirror and I notice some on the side of his neck too. "I am too. Damn." He looked for a while longer and shook his head.

"We shouldn't have played that game." I rubbed my hands together.

"I agree. I feel like I've caused a lot of hard feelings. "

"It's not your fault, I should've said no when they suggested it."

"I could've disagreed too." He shrugged, not looking at me.

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