Random Quotes 4: A Trilogy isn't Good Enough?

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"Identity isn't dignity."

"Wounds heal."

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

"What's so good about Minecraft?"

"I always yearned that I'd be older faster. Now I want to be younger."

"Dreams come to any place to anyone."

"A little trouble is necessary to succeed."

"Theories are theories until proven."

"Everyone's innocent until proven guilty."

"Fun size is not fun."

"I'd die for you if you don't die first. I hope you do the same."

"Don't break the game."

"A hollow victory is achieved if you don't try your best and be fair."

"You gotta want it badly to get what you want."

"The invisible isn't the darkness, but grey."

"The person makes the words."

"What the floop is a dildo? *checks wiki* Oh my god, I think I'm gonna be sick! *barfs*"

"No teacher likes apples! Bring them sugar cookies and an iced latte."

"Plankton. 1% evil, 99% hot gas"

"Terrorists are on and is the news."

"Superman wears underwear outside his suit. That takes balls."

"There's always gonna be a villain in a hero story. There's no such thing as a villain story."

"Nothing's illegal on the Internet."

"There's blood everywhere!"

"That escalated quickly. *cue picture*"

"The Internet is for porn. Admit it you guys."

"I'm not bisexual!!!"

"My farts creates sonic booms!"

"I hate this quotes because it was written for you."

"Runescape is a browser WoW. Admit it gamers."

"Wattpad books are too sexual for my taste."

"Is it too late to become an antisexual? Chastity FTW!"

"The first ever 1080 spin!!! :D"

"Japan, earthquake, tsunami, AND got nuked? Floop man! Why do you bring Godzilla back? It would have done less damage!"

"Sorry, we don't have money in the budget to finish this chapter."

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