Water and Sand

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Topic: Write a story or poem that starts with the word "hello".

Hello. No wait, that's a bit informal and bland. Uh, hello. Salutations. Nice meeting you. No no, that's far too standard. What's something that doesn't sound so cookie-cutter? How's it going? I guess?

I don't know how I should write this. I've been forced motivated by my therapist to write my feelings. Yet, it feels like I'm talking to someone else. It's one thing to talk to the corner of the room when your teacher puts you there for reasons she did not explain. Look, when they put you there, they want to cut off any socialization as a form of punishment. That did not work for me. I see no difference between talking to people to talking to walls. I may like having a conversation with walls better. A one-sided discussion means that the walls are always listening to you.

Talking to myself is a different story. Every time I look in the mirror, I say, "Oh, it's that guy." I never say, "Oh, look it's me." I see this guy as a stranger. I don't know him. I see the person as that guy. People see that the body and soul of one person come in a form of a set that you can't simply split one part from another. They may like one portion of you but detest another. The healthy man must accept every part of themselves, the good and the bad. However, in my case, it's like water and sand. They simply do not mix.

I want to say hello to the water. I'm sand. I hope we can speak to each other in terms we both agree on. I won't give up on you as long as you don't give up on me. Besides, if you did give up on me, we'd both be dead anyway.

A pleasure to meet you.

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