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I like mail. I like being sent mail. It brings a sense of being noticed, which I appriciate. When we get sent mail, there's a cover for it like a box or an envelope.

I like boxes. We get a knife and slice the tape. It's a nice feeling. Much like cutting through butter. Plus, holding a knife has a sense of power. Opening these boxes feels like a present we missed at Christmas.

Envelopes, however, piss me off. It looks offical, a common way to send some mail. Presentation is fine. Heck, licking the stamps is fun. They're easy to handle and quite proper.

What pisses me off is how to open them. The envelope is made of paper, so a knife is not nescessary. There's this little flab that closes the envelope. I like the flab if it isn't glued together. I perfer my mail open.

When you open them, that pisses the hell out of me. I'm a neat freak. I like things proper and presentable. When opening the envelope, it's hard to do that. You can't seem to put a finger under the glue and open. No, you peel it off in the unglued part of the flab. That never works clean. You try to keep it together, but it just makes rips. Then those rips start of get in the way. You'll end up with quite ugly envelooe remains. It'll look like you opened it like a wild animal.

If I was able to tear it apart without harming the mail, I would, but for now, we get this mess.

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