Chapter 3

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Stacey's POV

I walk all over the place and hope I will be able to find the way back to our cabin, so far I have passed bars, buffets, a gym and a bunch of other things I couldn't believe that Mallory wanted to stay in to take a nap and that Ness wanted to go get some sun. This was fun too plus by exploring the ship you got to learn where everything was I keep walking and pass a spa I would definitely have to come back and bring Mallory and Vanessa with me later. I continue exploring and pass a few stores which means the three of us could go shopping one day if I could drag Mallory out of her room long enough to come with me and Ness long enough to see the rest of the ship. I walk around and come to a door I reach it for it the same time opens it from the other side then I bump into someone.

Howie's POV

With today being the first day of the cruise everyone will be getting settled in and things wouldn't be too hectic so this was the best time to look around and get to know where everything is. I walk around and see casinos that already have a few people in them but by the time tonight rolls around they will probably get pretty busy, I walk past a library and shake my head and wonder who would read while they are on a cruise anyway. I keep walking and pass a bakery I would definitely have to bring the guys back here to try that later I walk a little further and come to a door and I open it and bump into a girl. "I'm so sorry I didn't see you." "No it's fine it's my fault I opened the door first." "I'm Stacey." I heard a bit of a southern accent in her voice I would have to tell Kevin about her later maybe he could tell where she was from "I'm Howie." I hoped I would get to see her again during the rest of the cruise or I was going to try really hard to see her again even if it meant just bumping into her.

Mallory's POV

When I wake up and pick up my phone to see what time it is, it's almost three in the afternoon I sit up and yawn I had been asleep for over three hours. I throw the cover off me and get out of bed then put my phone in my pocket and slide my flip flops back on I walk in the bathroom and brush my hair and walk out of the room. There were two things I needed right now one being caffeine and the other being something to snack on I walk down the hall and come to a flight of stairs and go up them then step outside on the deck as far as you could see there was water. I quickly walk away because I was still a little shakey about the whole being on a cruise ship thing I walk away from the railing and find a small snack stand then walk over and take a seat.

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